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St Louis Section–ACS
Job Manual

Document history

14 Jun 2011
Removed approximate date of annual WCC Luncheon, since it floats
Revised Career Resources Subcommittee section to reflect changes in the job environment and current practice
21 Sep 2010
Added duties for Treasurer re transfer to St Louis Award fund and maintaining documents for tax-exempt status
29 Jan 2010
Full review by all committee chairs. Mostly minor corrections, but too many to be summarized here
1 Oct 2009
Revised information about the section website to reflect new hosting and domain name
14 May 2007
Added triennial February responsibility for Chair-Elect: conduct member needs survey
Added “Fund-raising Subcommittee” under Publicity and Public Relations Committee
Added responsibility for Education Committee Chair: identify contact to coordinate our participation in the Illinois State Fair
9 Mar 2007
Added January responsibility for Webmaster: send test email to verify all posted email addresses.
16 Feb 2007
Added Spring responsibility for Past Chair to arrange Illinois State Fair participation/volunteers.
30 Jun 2006
The Past Chair is now responsible as the Annual Picnic Chair. Manual revised to include scheduled activities related to preparation and execution of picnic.
2 May 2006
Under Outstanding College Student Awards, the program has been expanded to include non-ACS certified chemistry departments: Lindenwood University, Maryville University, McKendree College, and Principia College.
Under Outstanding College Student Awards, the name of the engraver for the award plaque brass plates was changed.
9 Feb 2006
Councilor section amended to include policy concerning reimbursement for travel expenses
Standing Committees general information amended to include policies concerning reimbursement for official expenses incurred by Committees and Subcommittees
9 Feb 2005
Secretary section changed to
  1. note responsibility for assuring that voting members receive election ballots, and only voting members’ ballots are counted
  2. updated the name and address of the bulk mail handler employed by the Section
Treasurer section changed to
  1. reflect different minimum balances in various accounts to avoid service fees
  2. eliminate Treasurer’s role as “CFO of the Section”
  3. enumerate end-of-term duties related to (a) IRS forms for award winners and (b) auditing the accounts of the Chemical Bond
Career Resources Subcommittee section wording revised, primarily to limit services to current members of the Society, and to shorten the list of “possible activities” suggested.
12 Dec 2003
added selection of Henry Godt Memorial Lecturer as November duty of Section Chair
9 May 2003
added Synthetic Organic Chemistry discussion group to Program Committee
9 Feb 2003
removed all references to Minuteman; that position has been rendered unneccesary by the website

Job Manual

  1. Foreword
  2. Chair
  3. Past Chair
  4. Chair-elect
  5. Secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Director
  8. Councilor
  9. Alternate Councilor
  10. Standing Committees of the Section
  11. Writing Committee and Subcommittee Reports
  12. Program Committee
    1. Chair
    2. St Louis Section ACS Award Symposium
    3. NMR Discussion Group
    4. Mass Spectrometry Group
    5. Materials Chemistry Discussion Group
    6. Education Topics Group
    7. General Topics Group
    8. Computational Chemistry
    9. Chromatography Discussion Group
    10. Environmental Science and Engineering Group
    11. Organic Synthesis Discussion Group
  13. Professional Activities Committee
    1. Chair
    2. Media Response
    3. Government Affairs
    4. New Members
    5. Women Chemists Committee
    6. Minority Affairs
    7. Younger Chemists Committee
    8. Career Resources
    9. Historian
  14. Education Committee
    1. Chair
    2. High School Chemistry Contest
    3. Awards Night Banquet
    4. Education Liaison
    5. Education Newsletter Editor
    6. Career Awareness Fair
    7. Continuing Education
    8. Student Affiliates
    9. Undergraduate Research Symposium
    10. Kids & Chemistry
    11. Careers Day
  15. Awards Committee
    1. Chair
    2. Midwest Award
    3. St Louis Section ACS Award
    4. Marcus Award
    5. Outstanding College Student Awards
    6. High School Chemistry Teaching Award
    7. Science Fair Awards
    8. St Louis Chemical Science and Technology Award
    9. St Louis Section ACS Distinguished Service Award
  16. Publicity and Public Relations Committee
    1. Chair
    2. Chemical Bond
    3. Speakers Bureau
    4. News Media
    5. Website
    6. KWMU Public Radio
  17. Steering Committee
  18. Midwest Regional Committee
  19. Investment Committee
  20. Chemical Progress Week
  21. National Chemistry Week
  1. Foreword

    The original Job Manual of the St Louis Section of the American Chemical Society was assembled as a project of the 1973 Steering Committee from information supplied by the incumbent officers and committee chairs. Its purpose was to assist newly elected officers and committee and subcommittee chairs in planning and coordinating their jobs.

    This manual is one of a series of revisions of the original. It must not be used as a substitute for ingenuity and creativity in finding better ways to define, organize, and conduct programs. It is simply a way of passing on prior accumulated experience in a convenient format. This product is a working document and each of us has the responsibility to correct, maintain and enhance.

    The Steering Committee is responsible for revising the manual bi-annually. Each person having a job listed in this manual should make it a personal goal to provide the Steering Committee with an updated version of their job description when requested, so that the next manual will be as current and as useful as possible.

    This 2003 revision is the result of such a request for information. The 2000 manual was converted to HTML format, then updated with the new information provided by various officers and commitee chairs to Lisa M. Balbes (2002 Chair and WebMaven). The 2000 edition, printed in 2001, was the last version produced in printed format.

  2. Chair

    The Chair is President of the Corporation (the St Louis Section is incorporated as an organization under the “General Not-For-Profit Act” of the State of Missouri) and Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Directors and of the Section. S/he calls, establishes the agenda for, and presides at, meetings of the Board of Directors (a minimum of four per year). Persons to be notified of Board of Directors meetings include: Officers, Directors, Councilors, Alternate Councilors, Standing Committee Chairs, News Media Chair, Editor of the Chemical Bond, Society Officers, and any subcommittee member or other member of the Section who requests such notice. The Chair presides at all general meetings of the Section. The Chair presents the High School, Midwest, and St Louis Section ACS Awards. The Chair must be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of all committees and subcommittees.

    The chair is expected to attend the ACS National meetings in the Spring and Fall, and the Midwest Regional Meeting. The section pays expenses - up to $1500 for a national meeting and up to $750 for the regional meeting.

    The Chair’s duties and responsibilities include the following:

    Summer before taking office (As Chair-elect):

    Appoint all Chairs for Standing Committees and Subcommittees. Get started early because this requires a lot of time. Recommendations should be obtained from past Chairs, Board members, and the Steering Committee.

    NOVEMBER (As Chair-elect):

    See that the Chair appoints the audit committee.

    See that budget information is requested for Treasurer.

    Establish timing on Chemical Progress Week, coordinating with ADACIOM. Remind the Awards Night and St Louis Section Award Banquet Chair to select and reserve the location.

    DECEMBER (As Chair-Elect):

    Confirm arrangements for Recognition Night and contact Tyco Health Care/Mallinckrodt [2002 contact was David Berberich, dave.berberich@tycohealthcare.com 314-654-1404] regarding support for the evening. Their typical contribution is $500.

    Contact the Local Section Activities Office (1-800-227-5558 ext 4600) to get names of 50-year members and request the certificates that will be presented at Recognition Night. Call early; they take months to receive.

    Order large plaques for Distinguised Service Award winner and Past Chair; and pin for past chair. (see Chair-Elect job description for detals.)

    Establish calendar (in conjunction with Program Committee) for Board meetings, general meetings, and programs to the extent possible, and get Board approval. It is useful to call a meeting of the incoming Program Committee Chair, Subcommittee Chairs, and the Chemical Bond Editor to establish meeting dates and publicity methods. Such a meeting should be held in December or early January.

    The Board of Directors meets once per month in Jan. -May and Sept. -Dec. The Board must approve the dates and locations. The Continuity Dinner usually is the December Board meeting.


    See that the annual Treasurer’s Report and the Audit Committee Report are prepared. Be certain that your name is on all banking and investment accounts.

    Complete preparation of budget for the calendar year.

    Once the St Louis Section ACS Awardee has been selected, make sure that plans for the St Louis Section ACS Award Symposium and Banquet are under way.

    Continue preparations for Recognition Night. Look for communication from Local Section Activities Office regarding 50-year members.

    Personally invite each 50-year member and a guest to the Recognition Night Banquet as guests of the Section, and obtain their biographies for the program..
    Invite all Past Chairs of the Section and post-50-year members (To get current list, use section roster from national, sort on year in which they joined).
    Send invitation to Mallinckrodt contact (see Past-chair/December for contact info).
    Ask 50 and post-50 year members if they need assistance with transportation.
    Invite recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and a guest to attend the Banquet as guests of the Section.
    Arrange for a photographer to be present at the Recognition Night Banquet.
    Get plaques engraved with “NAME, 2002 Distinguished Service Award for exemplary service to the St Louis Section–American Chemical Society” and “NAME, 2001 Chair, In recognition and appreciation of your leadership of the St Louis Section–American Chemical Society”.

    Confirm that the Secretary has sent a list of officers and the committee roster to the Society.


    Appoint Nominating Committee for Officers of the St Louis Section before the February Board meeting. (Consider Chair-Elect for membership on this committee). See bylaws for details. Any candidates for councillor positions must be approved by the Board.

    Check on planning for Chemical Progress Week with coordinator and with ADACIOM.


    Invite appropriate guests to the St Louis Section ACS Award Banquet, such as an executive at the awardee’s institution. (The St Louis Section-ACS Award Chair usually does this).

    See that Chair for the High School Teaching Award invites the Awardee and a guest to the Awards Night Dinner as guests of the Section.

    Preside at Recognition Night.

    Finalize your own participation in events of Chemical Progress Week. See Coordinator of Chemical Progress Week.
    Prepare order of activities for Awards Night and give to Chair-Elect, so they can prepare the printed program.

    Attend the Marcus Award presentations at St Louis University.

    Make certain that the nominations ballot appears in the May Chemical Bond.

    APRIL or MAY:

    See that outgoing Treasurer files Income Tax Statement due May 15 or files for a three-month extension.

    Get nominating ballot in May issue of the bond, soliciting nominations from general membership for officers to un in fall elections.

    Serve as Chair of the Midwest Award Jury. Appoint the members. Note that two must be from the St Louis Section and appointed to three-year terms with the approval of the Board of Directors. The other two members are appointed for one-year terms, and usually are from outside the St Louis Area but in the Midwest region, which includes the following 17 sections: Ames, Iowa, Kansas City, Kansas State University, Mark Twain, Mo-Kan-OK, Nebraska, Omaha, Ozark, Sioux Valley, South Central Missuri, Southern Illinois, St Louis, Univeristy of Kansas, Univeristy of Missouri, University of Arkansas, and Wichita.

    Mail Midwest Award nominating packets and ballots to all 11 jury members. See Bylaws Article XI. All nominating packets and ballots should be returned to the Midwest Award Chair by June 15th.

    It is appropriate that jury members be outstanding researchers in their own right. Former Midwest and St Louis Section Award winners make excellent jurors.

    Get Board approval for closing date for St Louis Section ACS Award Nominations.


    Receive ballots from the Midwest Award Jury by June 15, determine Awardee, and inform him/her in writing. Inform the Board by June 30.

    See that a citation is written for use in publicity and to be read at the Midwest Award Presentation ceremony. The nominator normally writes the citation.


    Submit an Annual Report to the State of Missouri under the General Not-for-Profit Corporation Act prior to August 1. Donald Leavitt, the Corporation’s registered agent, supplies the forms


    Make certain Chemical Bond Editor has St Louis Section ACS Award call for nominations by August 5 for insertion in the September Chemical Bond.

    Remind Chair-Elect to begin contacting potential Standing Committee Chairs.

    Update this section of the Job Manual when requested.


    Make sure Chemical Bond editor has candidate bios and ballot for publication in October issue.


    Finalize arrangements for Continuity Dinner which is usually the Board meeting for December.

    Make sure that the incoming Chair-Elect has responded positively to the invitation to attend the Local Section Officers’ Conference sponsored by the Society. The Section pays expenses.

    See that the St Louis Section informational brochure is updated if needed.


    Select a surprise speaker to deliver the Henry Godt lecture at the Continuity Dinner.

    Steering Committee works with the Secretary on ballot counting and certification. Election results must be certified to Board of Directors by November 15th.

    Issue invitations to the Continuity Dinner, after consultation with Chair-Elect.

    Remind Chair-Elect to request budget proposals from officers, councilors and committee chairs.

    Make sure St Louis Section ACS Award Jury is appointed. See Bylaws. You will serve as Chair of the Jury. Send out nomination packets to Jury members.


    Appoint Audit Committee. If the incumbent is not re-elected, then the incoming Treasurer should be part of the committee. No Board approval is necessary.

    Send thank-you notes to those people who supported your administration.

    By December 5th, prepare message from outgoing Chair to be included in the January Chemical Bond.

  3. Past Chair


    Begin preparation of the Annual Report. This is a big job!

    Serve as Chair of the St Louis Section ACS Award jury and notify the Section Chair of the Awardee.

    Select early June date and reserve Tower Grove Park pavillion for annual picnic.


    Send Annual Report to the Society by Feb 15, along with any award nominations.

    Post notice of picnic in March issue of Chemical Bond. Ask Editor to repeat notice in May issue.


    Be prepared to give the annual Past Chair’s address at the Recognition Night Banquet.


    Contact Illinois State Fair in Springfield, IL. We usually try to send two volunteers for their booth. This involves eight local sections in two regions of ACS. It is a big hit with National and is one of the only interregional events. Contact Hannibal or Chicago Local Sections for details. Place “Call for Volunteers” in Chemical Bond. Ask people who live or work in Illinois — they are good volunteers. We give $100 financial support, if asked.


    Serve as chair of annual picnic “committee.” Ask two people to arrive early to help with set-up. Ask two others to be responsible for drinks (one for beer, one for water and soft drinks) with coolers and ice. Buy meat, buns, condiments, chips, etc. Ask two more to share grilling duties. Find or bring grilling tools and other picnic necessities. Bring pavillion permit!


    If the section is a finalist for the Outstanding Section Award, attend the ACS national meeting in the Fall and pick up any awards. The ChemLuminary ceremony is traditionally held on Tuesday evening. Section pays expenses, up to $1500.


  4. Chair-elect

    The Chair-Elect is the Vice President of the Corporation, is a voting member of the Board of Directors, and serves a one-year term as Chair of the Section immediately following the term as Chair-Elect or upon the occurrence of a vacancy in the office of Chair.

    Other general duties include: presiding at the meetings of the Section or the Board of Directors in the absence of the Chair, forming and chairing the Steering Committee, and appointing all Standing Committee Chairs and Subcommittee Chairs who will serve during the coming year. The Chair-Elect is expected to attend ACS National Leadership Training (section pays travel, national pays all other expenses), the Fall National meeting and the Midwest Regional meeting (section pays expenses, up to $1500 for a national meeting and $750 for the regional meeting).

    The Chair-Elect should take advantage of Steering Committee meetings to invite members to attend and provide information and guidance for new programs or directions for the future of the Section. Implementing such programs is subject to approval by the Board of Directors.

    Duties and responsibilities of the Chair-Elect and of the Steering Committee are combined in the following:

    1. NOVEMBER (incoming Chair-Elect before assuming office): Attend Annual ACS Conference for Local Section officers. (The Section pays Travel expenses. In recent years, $600 has been budgeted for the new Chair-Elect for attendance at this meeting. )
    2. DECEMBER (incoming Chair-Elect before assuming office): Form Steering Committee. See Job Manual under Steering Committee for membership and responsibilities of this group. It is very helpful for a Section Chair-Elect to have previously served on a steering committee. Therefore, in appointing the two other members, potential to serve as Chair of the Section should be considered.
      Establish schedule of meetings of Steering Committee for coming year. Give it to the incoming Chair for the Section calendar.
      Submit report on Local Section Officers’ Conference to the retiring Chair of the Section to include in the Annual Report. An oral report is made at a Board meeting.
    3. JANUARY: STEERING COMMITTEE: Invite Treasurer to meeting, review proposed budget, and prepare Section Budget to recommend to the Board at the January meeting. Chairs of all Standing Committees may also be invited to discuss their budget proposals.
    4. FEBRUARY: Contact coordinator of Chemical Progress Week as to participation in events.
      STEERING COMMITTEE: Invite Treasurer to confirm or recommend changes in the Local Section dues. Report this to the Board so the Treasurer will have authorization for requesting the Society collect Section dues and the amount of the dues. The Treasurer must do this by April 15.
      MEMBER SURVEY: In every third year, the Chair-Elect shall conduct a member-needs survey. The results of the survey will be shared with the Board and considered in the planning of Local Section activities. A regular survey cycle was initiated in 2004.
    5. MARCH: You are the Chair of the Awards Night Banquet and Program. Obtain the order of activities for Awards Night Banquet and ceremony from the Section Chair, and Coordinator of Chemical Progress Week. The chair-elect is reponsible for finding the speaker, preparing the program and having it printed. You also may be responsible for printing certificates for the High School Award Winners and their teaachers. See “Awards Night Banquet” under the Education Committee for complete details of this responsibility.
      Attend and assist at Recognition Night.
      Attend Marcus Award Competition at St Louis University.
    6. APRIL: Attend as many Chemical Progress Week events as possible. Remember that you are the Chair of the Awards Night Banquet and program. (Next year, you will be in charge of many of the activities; think of ways to improve them.)
    7. MAY: STEERING COMMITTEE: Consider whether update of Bylaws and/or Job Manual is needed.
    8. SUMMER: Attempt to have an informal steering committee meeting during the summer to plan activities and business for the second half of the year.
      Start lining up members to run for officers for the following year.
    9. SEPTEMBER: STEERING COMMITTEE: Consider which members may be interested in serving on Committees or Sub-Committees, and start asking them. Re-read the Job Manual section for Chair.
    10. OCTOBER: Ask members to accept appointments to Committees and Sub-committees. St Louis Section ACS Award Chair is chosen now but takes office next fall.
      Invite incoming Chair-Elect, after election, to attend Steering Committee meetings.
      Establish calendar of the Section for Board Meetings and program events (especially Chemical Progress Week/Month activities and Recognition night) in conjunction with the Program Chair. Get approval from Board for selected dates, and make sure location reservations are made.
    11. NOVEMBER: Complete appointments of Committee Chairs and report their names to the Section Chair so they may be invited to the Continuity Dinner. Prepare new Roster and Calendar to be distributed at the Continuity Dinner. If Job Manual has been revised, need copies for everyone. If not revised, need copies for new appointees.
      Confirm that the Section Chair has appointed an Audit Committee.
      Send letter to the incoming Chair-Elect to describe duties. Encourage attendance at Annual ACS Local Section Officers’ Conference and remind that budget proposals need to be solicited in December from incoming Officers and Chairs.
      Order plaque for Distinguished Service Awardee, if needed, and plaque and Past Chair’s pin for the retiring Chair. These usually are presented at Recognition Night. (Cost is from the Section budget for Chair-Elect).
      Order two 8 × 11 in. plaques ($38) and one Past Chair pin ($6) from the on-line store at http://www.chemistry.org , or call 800-227-5558 ext. 4600.
      STEERING COMMITTEE: Propose recipient of Distinguished Service Award, if desired. Get approval of Board in manner that keeps it secret, at least from recipient. This award is to be announced at the Continuity Dinner and presented at Recognition Night Banquet.
      Notify incoming officers and committee chairs to plan to attend the Continuity dinner, to receive materials from their predecessor.
      Confirm that arrangements are being made for the Recognition Night Banquet. Contact Membership Activities (1-800-227-5558) to have them send ASAP the names of and certificates for 50-year members so that they arrive before Recognition Night.
    12. DECEMBER: Provide Chemical Bond Editor with Message from the new Chair before December 5.
      On or before the Continuity Dinner (December Board of Directors meeting), notify new Officers and Standing Committee Chairs to submit budget proposals to the new Treasurer by the end of December.
  5. Secretary

    The responsibilities of the Secretary are stated in the Bylaws.

    The Secretary:

    1. Is a member of the Steering Committee and of the Board of Directors.
    2. Takes the minutes of all Board of Directors and Steering Committee meetings and files approved minutes.
    3. Maintains all files and permanent records of Section activities.
    4. Receives notification from Councilors unable to attend a Council meeting and informs the Board of Directors to permit selection of a substitute. Provides Alternate Councilor certification cards to substitutes.
    5. Sends notices of Section meetings to nonmembers who may request it.
    6. Prepares nominating ballot by Apr 1 and has it in the hands of members by May 1. Receives ballots up to May 31 and gives them to Chair of Nominating Committee.
    7. Receives election ballot from Nominating Committee, and authorizes printing of ballots and their inclusion in the October Chemical Bond.
    8. Requests from the ACS an official roster of Local Section members eligible to vote no later than September 30. Insures that all eligible voters receive a ballot by October 10.
    9. Receives ballots by October 31. Meets with tellers (before Nov 7), and they verify eligibility of ballots and tabulate valid ballots from eligible voters. All eligible and ineligible ballots shall be retained for sixty days by the Secretary to permit a recheck and a recount, if demanded. Certifies the results to the Chair of the Section and then to the Executive Director of the Society by Dec 1.
    10. Has custody of the certified copy of the Bylaws.

    Other Duties:

    1. The Secretary is the default recipient of the monthly electronic roster provided by the Society. Currently, the Webmaster (q.v.) is responsible for actual manipulations of the mailing lists, and also has credentials to access the rosters on the national ACS website. Should it become necessary, the Secretary should designate an alternate to manage the list updates.
    2. Keep the Corporate Seal and use it on official documents.
    3. Forward to the appropriate Officer(s), Directors, or Committee Chairs information received throughout the year concerning various subjects.
    4. Provide information to the Chemical Bond as required to keep the Section membership informed of activities.
    5. O. Certify the elected Officers, Councilors, and Alternate Councilors to the Society by December 1 and Committee Chairs by January 31. Forms are provided by the Society for this purpose.
    6. Preserve Section archives. In accordance with a 1971 Board of Directors decision, all Board and Steering Committee meeting minutes dated prior to February 1963 were placed in the Western Historical Manuscript Collection in the library of the University of Missouri–St Louis. Further additions to the archives of Section records and memorabilia are made at the Secretary’s discretion, in order to keep current files manageable.
    7. Order Section stationery and distribute it to officers and chairs.
  6. Treasurer

    Duties and responsibilities include:

    1. Assist in auditing Treasurer’s books of the previous year, if so appointed.
    2. Prepare proposed budget prior to January meeting of Steering Committee, based on proposed budgets submitted by Committee Chairs. The Treasurer should attend this meeting.
    3. Issue approved budget after final Board approval.
    4. File a request by April 15 for Section dues to be collected by the Society for the following year, and state the amount to be collected. The amount should be confirmed or changed by the Board at its February meeting.
    5. Receive funds from investment or other sources, and deposit to checking or savings account.
      Note: The minimum balance to avoid bank fees for the section checking accounts is currently $3000. It is recommended that these balances be maintained over $3000 whenever possible. The minimum balance to avoid a charge to the Dreyfus Liquid Asset account is currently $2000.
    6. Make disbursements of funds only on receipt of authorized request. Policies governing reimbursement for expenses are enumerated in the “Standing Committees” section of the Job Manual.
    7. Make monthly financial report to Board.
    8. At the end of the year, arrange for change of address to incoming treasurer of bank accounts, investment accounts, and others as required.
    9. Serve on the Investment Committee, assisting the Trustees to carry out their responsibilities.
    10. The outgoing treasurer should complete Section III of the annual report by Feb. 15th of the following year.
    11. The outgoing treasurer must file a tax return for the year of his/her term of office. It must be filed no later than the 15th day of the 5th month following the close of the accounting year (presently May 15). Failure to file this return could potentially result in a substantial penalty.
    12. The outgoing treasurer should mail out 1099-MISC forms to the St Louis Award and Midwest Award Honorees by January 31st of the following year. File Form 996 with the IRS by the end of February. (Ask the Section Chair or Award Committee Chair to obtain the social security number and mailing address of the St Louis Award and Midwest Award honorees prior to the presentation of the awards.)
    13. The outgoing Treasurer must audit the books of the Chemical Bond to be included in the next audit report for the section. Obtain all necessary records from the Chemical Bond business manager.
    14. In September, or when allotment is received from National, and provided this plan is still in effect, transfer the appropriate amount, currently $5,000, from the general fund to the St Louis Award account.
    15. Maintain paperwork for tax-exempt status: currently three (3) years of tax returns plus the bylaws, the year of incorporation, and Missouri Charter Number.
  7. Director

    Directors, as members of the Board of Directors, participate in the formulation of policy for the Section by providing advice and counsel to the officers and chairs of committees. Directors, through the initiative of the Board or in response to requests from the Chair, may assume various specific duties, which may either be ad hoc or continuing in nature. Typically, a member who serves as a Director would be a strong supporter of the objectives of the Section and would have served previously in other capacities.


    In addition to abiding by the stipulations as stated in the Bylaws of the St Louis Section of the ACS, Directors:

    1. Attend board meetings, participates in policy decisions, and provides historic continuity on Section policies, practices, and procedures.
    2. Give advice and counsel concerning the details of the operation of the Section and provide informed responses to suggestions and ideas from officers, committee chairs, or others.
    3. Serve, when requested, on special “task forces” in response to specific problems of the Section.
    4. Serve as Awards Nomination Committee to identify Section members who are potential nominees for Society awards and encourage their nomination, as well as serving at times on award juries and nominating committees for the Section.
    5. Keep informed on items of importance to the Society as well as items in the local community that impinge on the affairs of the Section.
    6. Identify new members of the Section, and encourage them to become involved in the activities of the Section.
  8. Councilor

    The Council is the deliberative assembly of the Society. Its duties include nominating members for the office of ACS President-Elect; electing Directors-at-large, members of the Council Policy Committee (the executive committee of the Council), the Committee on Committees, and the committee on Nominations and Elections; nominates members for the offices of Regional Directors; studies, recommends, and acts on all activities of direct and indirect interest to the members of ACS, including the setting of ACS annual dues; advises the ACS Board of Directors on matters concerning the management of the Society; influences decisions for which the ACS Board has responsibility; charters Local Sections and Divisions; and is responsible for amending the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.

    The term of a Councilor is three years, unless the Councilor is serving the unexpired term of a preceding Councilor.

    Councilors’ travel is reimbursed out of the general funds of the section. To obtain reimbursement, Councilors must submit the form Reimbursement of Councilor Travel Expenses in compliance with ACS guidelines.

    Councilors provide interaction between the Section and the Society. This requires attendance at as many National Meetings as possible (with participation on Council Committees as appointments become available), as well as active participation in the Section.

    Thus, to be most effective, a Councilor:

    1. Keeps informed on issues at the Society level with particular attention to those which have implications for the Section.
    2. Solicits the opinions of members of the Section on major issues before the Council, especially by consulting the Board of Directors for general guidance and to learn if the Board wishes to adopt a position on an issue.
    3. Attends meetings of the Council, but, if unable to attend, notifies the Secretary well in advance so an Alternate Councilor can be authorized to attend. Reads the Council Meeting Agenda prior to the National Meetings.
    4. Is willing to serve on Council Committees and dedicate considerable time and energy to fulfilling the obligation of such membership. Completes and returns the Committee Preference Form mailed by the ACS National Office in the spring.
    5. Attends District V Councilor Caucus meetings.
    6. Communicates the views of the Section to the ACS Staff and the Council Committees.
    7. Communicates Society issues and Council decisions to the Section by attending Board meetings and reporting regularly to the Board and the members via oral reports and in writing.
    8. Obtains brochures and other publications that may be of interest to the Section.
    9. Prepares written communications for publication in the Chemical Bond to inform the membership on major issues.
    10. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.
  9. Alternate Councilor

    Alternate Councilors are elected for three-year terms, unless serving the unexpired term of a preceding Alternate Councilor.

    An Alternate Councilor:

    1. Keeps informed on all issues before Council.
    2. Attends Council meetings as an observer and attends Region V Councilor Caucus meetings and Council Committee meetings when possible.
    3. Represents the Section at meetings of the Council when a Councilor is unable to attend.
    4. Attends meetings of the St Louis Section Board of Directors.
    5. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.

  10. Standing Committees of the Section

    Chairs of the respective Standing Committees have the following general responsibilities in addition to their specific enumerated responsibilities:
    1. Coordinate the activities of the subcommittees, and assure that all committee activities are reported to the Board, the Webmaster, and the Chemical Bond editor.
    2. As a voting member of the Board of Directors, attend monthly board meetings. Prepare and deliver a report of committee activities for each board meeting. Submit a copy of the report to the Secretary to assist in preparation of meeting minutes.
    3. Prepare an annual report before Continuity Dinner in December. Refer to “Committee and Subcommittee Reports” Section of this Job Manual for expected content.
    4. In November, solicit commitments from new or continuing subcommittee chairs for the coming year. If a new committee chair will be assuming the position in January, coordinate subcommittee assignments with the new chair.
    5. In December, submit a proposed budget to the Treasurer by the due date specified. If a new committee chair will be assuming the position in January, coordinate budget requests with the new chair.
    6. Be prepared to defend budget requests at January Board meeting, at which time the budget is approved. Inform subcommittee chairs of actual approved budget.
    7. It is the responsibility of all standing committee chairs to be familiar with the following policies of the Section concerning reimbursement for expenses incurred, and to be sure their subcommittee chairs are aware of these policies before expenses are incurred.
      1. The Treasurer will only reimburse expenses that have been approved by a Committee Chair or elected officer.
      2. Itemized receipts are required for reimbursement.
      3. Committee Chairs have the authority to modify budgets of the Subcommittees; however, allocated budgets for a Committee as a whole may not be exceeded without prior approval of the Board of Directors.
      4. Committee Chairs must keep track of Subcommittee expenses and immediately notify the Subcommittee Chair if it appears that the Subcommittee is at risk of going over budget. The Subcommittee Chair should be contacted before any additional expenses are incurred.
      5. Reimbursement requests should be made within 30 days of an event, but no later than December 15 of the year the expenses are incurred.
      6. All cash and checks collected at an event should be turned over to the Treasurer. Checks should be written to “St Louis Section, ACS.”
      7. In no case should expenses be paid from cash collected at an event. The Treasurer is the only person authorized to disburse Section funds.
    8. Update your section of the Job Manual when requested, or when you are aware of significant changes in your committee's practices. Approve and collate updates from subcommittee chairs. Submit changes to Webmaster for updating the online Job Manual.
    9. All standing committee chairs, subcommittee chairs and chairs of special programs are required to submit a report of the year’s activities by the date of the Continuity Dinner in December. Please refer to the following section on “Committee and Subcommittee Reports”.
  11. Writing Committee and Subcommittee Reports

    It is the responsibility of each committee and subcommittee chair to prepare an annual report of the activities of each committee and subcommittee.

    The committee chair should submit the activities report of his/her committee to the St Louis Section Chair no later than December 15 of the year they chaired the committee.

    The subcommittee chair should submit the activities report of his/her subcommittee to the respective committee chair no later than December 1 of the year they chaired the subcommittee.

    Elements of the Report

    Photographs of all activities are encouraged. The committee covers the cost of photographs. A description label of each photograph, including event and identification of persons in the photo, should be fixed to the back of the photograph. (Do not impact the surface of the photo when the label is affixed)

  12. Program Committee

    1. CHAIR

      Duties and responsibilities include:

      1. Carry out all the general responsibilities specified in the section “Standing Committees of the Section”
      2. Discussion Group Chairs should be appointed in November so serious planning can begin well before the next year.
      3. Meet in late November or early December (before assuming office) with Discussion Group Chairs, Section Chair, Chair-Elect, and representative from the Chemical Bond to prepare and discuss coming year’s program. Also, discuss publicity and budgets. At this meeting, establish guidelines for reporting meetings and expenditures.
      4. Ask Discussion Group Chairs to keep you informed of scheduled meetings and to give you a report after a meeting.
      5. Remind all Program Committee members that it is Section policy that honoraria will not be paid.

      The St Louis Section ACS Award Symposium is part of Chemical Progress Week and is held on Friday afternoon of that week. In recent years, the symposium has consisted of two presentations by invited speakers and an address by the Awardee, followed by refreshments.

      The following activities are the responsibility of the symposium chair:

      1. Select the symposium speakers. As soon as the St Louis Awardee is announced, the Awardee is contacted for suggestions as to possible symposium speakers. Those selected are contacted, and travel and lodging arrangements are made as appropriate. They are invited to the St Louis Award Banquet as a guest of the Section.
      2. Get titles promptly for publicity purposes.
      3. Locate a site for the symposium and make arrangements for refreshments.
      4. Light refreshments should be available for a break. Coffee and cookies, or doughnuts, or sweet rolls are appropriate.
      5. Refreshments provided afterwards should be somewhat more substantial, but bear in mind that most people will be eating dinner shortly thereafter.
      6. Publicize the event. Information regarding the location, times and date of the Symposium in addition to biographical information on all speakers and their titles should be forwarded to the Chemical Bond Editor in time for inclusion in the Chemical Bond for the month preceding the Symposium. Also, advise the Publicity and Public Relations Committee.

        In addition, a special mailing should go out to all Section members.

      7. Host the Awardee. Transportation, lodging, and contact with professionals having parallel interests is your responsibility.
      8. Settle expenses with the speakers. Arrangements to handle all expenses should be made prior to the speakers’ departures.
      9. Update this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The NMR Discussion Group is a Discussion Group of the Section. However, it has its own internal organization and officers. For budgeting and expense purposes, the Group is required to submit an annual budget request and requests for reimbursement through the Program Committee Chair. (Section policy does not permit reimbursement for honoraria from budgeted funds). Bills should be submitted monthly, especially those for December.

      The Chair:

      1. Coordinates meeting arrangements - finding a meeting place, arranging for refreshments, making sure the speaker is taken care of, and helping to schedule future meetings.
      2. Arranges for any pre-meeting dinners, and receives reservations.
      3. Publicizes meetings by informing the Chemical Bond, the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, flyers to group members, etc.
      4. Submits budget requests to Treasurer in December.
      5. Informs Program Committee Chair of up-coming meetings, and provides a report after each meeting, as well as an annual report in December.
      6. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Mass Spectrometry Group is a Discussion Group of the Section. For budgeting and expense purposes, the Group is required to submit an annual budget request and requests for reimbursement through the Program Committee Chair. (Section policy does not permit reimbursement for honoraria from budgeted funds). Bills should be submitted monthly, especially those for December.

      The Chair:

      1. Coordinates meeting arrangements - finding a meeting place, arranging for refreshments, making sure the speaker is taken care of, and helping to schedule future meetings.
      2. Arranges for any pre-meeting dinners, and receives reservations.
      3. Publicizes meetings by informing the Chemical Bond, the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, flyers to group members, etc.
      4. Submits budget requests to Treasurer in December.
      5. Informs Program Committee Chair of up-coming meetings, and provides a report after each meeting, as well as an annual report in December.
      6. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.
    6. The Materials Chemistry Group is a Discussion Group of the Section. For budgeting and expense purposes, the Group is required to submit an annual budget request and requests for reimbursement through the Program Committee Chair. (Section policy does not permit reimbursement for honoraria from budgeted funds). Bills should be submitted monthly, especially those for December.

      The Chair:

      1. Coordinates meeting arrangements - finding a meeting place, arranging for refreshments, making sure the speaker is taken care of, and helping to schedule future meetings.
      2. Arranges for any pre-meeting dinners, and receives reservations.
      3. Publicizes meetings by informing the Chemical Bond, the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, flyers to group members, etc.
      4. Submits budget requests to Treasurer in December.
      5. Informs Program Committee Chair of up-coming meetings, and provides him/her with a report after each meeting, as well as an annual report in December.
      6. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Chair of the Education Topics Group is responsible for planning and scheduling programs during the academic year. These programs may be tours of facilities in the St Louis area or meetings held at one of the local educational institutions. The meetings may be seminars on current topics in chemistry or chemical education, demonstrations, or other presentations appropriate to the group. Throughout the year, the meetings should be held in different locations in order to encourage participation by as many members as possible. Refreshments usually precede the meetings, and the Chair must arrange for their provision.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Communicating the information concerning the meetings to the Chemical Bond. In addition, notices must be prepared and mailed prior to each meeting. The mailing list should contain all of the chemical educators from the high schools, colleges, and universities in the service area, as well as any others who have requested the notices. Presently, Hal Harris monitors this mailing list.
      2. Collecting affiliate dues from members of the Education Topics Group who are not members of the Section. This is best done at the September and/or October meetings, to coincide with the beginning of the academic year. The funds collected are to be submitted to the Treasurer.
      3. Preparing an annual budget and submitting it to the Program Committee Chair. All bills and other requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the Program Committee Chair for approval.
      4. Submitting monthly reports and an annual report to the Program Committee Chair. The report should include at least the date of each meeting, name of speaker and topic, attendance, and expenses.
      5. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The General Topics Group organizes special programs of general interest.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Planning a calendar for meeting dates for the year and submitting it to the Program Committee Chair. The General Topics Chair should consult with the St Louis Section Program Committee Chair to avoid scheduling conflicts with other topical groups and with other Section activities.
      2. The Topical Group Chair or the Program Chair should contact prospective speakers and invite them to make a presentation. The prospective speaker should be informed that the Topical Group does not pay honoraria to its speakers. Only the speaker’s expenses, meeting expenses and part of the host’s dinner expenses are covered. The prospective speaker should be contacted as far in advance of the meeting as possible. Generally, initial contact is made by telephone. A letter confirming the acceptance is sent to the speaker with information regarding the date, time and location of the presentation. Inquiries as to the speaker’s transportation and lodging needs should be included in this letter. The speaker should be asked for the title of the talk, a summary, a curriculum vitae and a photograph.
      3. The Topical Group Chair also serves as host for the presentation and introduces or asks someone else to introduce the speaker. It is the Chair’s responsibility to see that the necessary arrangements are made for the speaker’s transportation needs while in St Louis. The Chair must also secure a list of audio-visual equipment, etc. needed by the speaker.
      4. It is customary to take the seminar speaker to dinner before the lecture as a guest of the local Section. The Topical Group Chair acts as host at this dinner. Other interested parties may be invited to this dinner, but at their expense. The site of this should, if possible, be close to the location of the seminar.
      5. The Chair submits a list of expenses incurred in connection with each seminar speaker. Then submits the expense statement to the Program Committee Chair to be approved, then sent to the Treasurer for payment. The expense statement should include such items as: the speaker’s travel and lodging costs, rental of the lecture room, refreshments and that portion of the dinner expenses which are covered by the local Section.
      6. The Topical Group Chair submits meeting announcements to the Chemical Bond for publication before the publication deadline, and the information should be sent to the Webmaster for posting on the section’s web site.
      7. Make arrangements for room where meeting is to be held. Arrangements should be made with regard to items needed by the speaker, such as projector, blackboard, etc. Also, arrangements must be made with the manager of the meeting location with regard to refreshments for the reception, which follows the lecture.
      8. Keep a record of the number in attendance at each meeting.
      9. Prepare and submit the Annual Report of the Topical Group to the Program Committee Chair giving dates of each meeting, name of speaker and topic, attendance and expenses.
      10. Update this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      Targeted towards chemists who are interested in the use of computers as tools to solve problems in the chemical sciences. Although the primary focus of the group is theoretical and computational chemistry, the actual scope is broad and interdisciplinary. It includes artificial intelligence, experimental design, laboratory automation, molecular modeling in the fields of agrochemicals, materials, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymers, and theoretical chemistry.

      Duties and Responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Coordinating meeting arrangements - finding a meeting place and speaker, scheduling the meeting, assisting with travel and hotel arrangements for the speaker (if necessary). Meetings should be held at various locations throughout the year to encourage participation from a diverse membership.
      2. Arranging for any pre- or post-meeting dinners or refreshments, and handling reservations, if required.
      3. Maintaining a list of addresses (including e-mail, if available) of CCDG participants. (Section policy permits inclusion of non-ACS members.) Publicizing meetings by informing the CCDG participants and the Editor of the Chemical Bond, Publicity and Public Relations Chair, Program Committee Chair, and St Louis Section ACS Chair.
      4. Providing a report to the Program Committee Chair after each meeting which includes attendance, and providing a written annual report to the Program Committee Chair each December.
      5. Submitting a budget request to the Treasurer each December for the following year.
      6. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Chromatography Discussion Group is a Topical Group of the Section. For budgeting and expense purposes, the Group is required to submit an annual budget request and requests for reimbursement through the Program Committee Chair. (Section policy does not permit reimbursement for honoraria from budgeted funds). Bills should be submitted monthly, especially those for December.

      1. The Chair:
      2. Coordinates meeting arrangements - finding a meeting place, arranging for refreshments, making sure the speaker is taken care of, and helping to schedule future meetings.
      3. Arranges for any pre-meeting dinners, and receives reservations.
      4. Publicizes meetings by informing the Chemical Bond, the Publicity and Public Relations Committee, flyers to group members, etc.
      5. Submits budget requests to Treasurer in December.
      6. Informs Program Committee Chair of up-coming meetings, and provides him/her with a report after each meeting, as well as an annual report in December.
      7. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.
    11. Environmental Science and Engineering Group

      The Environmental Science and Engineering Group is a Topical Group of the Section formed on a trial basis in 2000. Its’ scope is to present and discuss timely environmental topics. For budgeting and expense purposes, the Sub-committee Chair is required to submit an annual budget request in December for the following year, and requests for reimbursement through the Program Committee Chair. (Section policy does not permit reimbursement for honoraria from budgeted funds). Bills should be submitted monthly, especially those for December.

      The Chair:

      1. Coordinates meeting arrangements - finding a meeting place, arranging refreshments, making sure the speaker is taken care of, and helping to schedule future meetings.
      2. Arranges for any pre-meeting dinners, and receives reservations.
      3. Publicizes meetings by informing the Chemical Bond, the Publicity and Public Relations Committee Chair, the webmaster, and by sending flyers to regular attendees.
      4. Submits budget requests to Treasurer in December.
      5. Informs Program Committee Chair of up-coming meetings, and provides him/her with a report after each meeting, as well as an annual report in December.
      6. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.
    12. Organic Synthesis Discussion Group

      The Synthetic Organic Chemistry (SOC) Discussion Group is a Discussion Group of the St Louis Section of the American Chemical Society.

      The co-Chairs of the SOC Discussion Group are responsible for planning and scheduling monthly programs during the academic year. These programs mostly consist of meetings held at one of up to four locations (SLU, Wash. U., UMSL, and Pfizer). Refreshments usually precede the meetings, and the co-Chair in charge of the meeting location must arrange for their provision.

      Duties and responsibilities of the co-Chairs include:

      1. Putting together the program of the meetings - each co-Chair in charge of a meeting location coordinates the meeting arrangements at this location; it includes finding a meeting room, arranging for refreshments (vide supra), making sure that the speaker is taken care of, and announcing future meetings.
      2. Arranging for any pre-meeting dinners, and receiving reservations.
      3. Communicating the information concerning the meetings to the Chemical Bond, the Publicity & Public Relations Committee, sending flyers to group members, etc.
      4. Collecting affiliate dues from members of the SOC Discussion Group who are not members of the ACS St Louis Section. This is best done at the September and/or October meetings, to coincide with the beginning of the academic year. The funds collected are to be submitted to the ACS St Louis Section Treasurer.
      5. Preparing an annual budget and submitting it to the Program Committee Chair in December. All bills and other requests for reimbursement must be submitted to the Program Committee Chair for approval (Section policy does not permit reimbursement for honoraria from budgeted funds).
      6. Informing the Program Committee Chair of up-coming meetings, and providing him/her with a report after each meeting, as well as an annual report in December (the report should include at least the date of each meeting, name of speaker and topic, attendance, and expenses).
      7. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.
  13. Professional Activities Committee

    The Professional Activities Committee deals with matters that relate to the professional life and responsibilities of the Section members. Its activities include, but are not limited to, those described below.

    1. CHAIR

      Duties and responsibilities include:

      1. Carry out all the general responsibilities specified in the section “Standing Committees of the Section”

      This committee was initiated in January 1995, as a replacement for the Community Affairs Subcommittee, which had not functioned for some time. Its role is to monitor the science articles appearing in local publications and to respond too incorrect or misleading statements. Also, it would congratulate editors or writers for good examples of science writing and reporting.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Identifying several members who will read an assigned periodical regularly, looking for science articles or stories, and who will write informed responses when appropriate.
      2. Providing instruction and guidance to the readers, and helping them obtain expert advice, if needed.
      3. Collecting copies of all letters sent by the readers.
      4. Watching for exceptionally good writing that might be cited by the Section.
      5. Determining whether a letter on a particular issue should become official statement of the Section, and submitting the matter to the Chair or the Board.
      6. Submitting an annual report in December.
      7. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Providing technical information to the general public, to area news media, and to the area’s federal, state, and local governmental representatives.
      2. Proposing new programs in the legislative/environmental area to the Board of Directors.
      3. Participating in programs organized by the Society’s Government Affairs Office.
      4. Keeping the Section informed of these activities through the Chemical Bond.
      5. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Soliciting new members by advertising in the Chemical Bond, by following up on prospective names supplied by the Society office, and by developing a continuing program for active recruitment of new and former members.
      2. Distributing application forms that indicate the St Louis Section supplied them. At the spring 1981 National Meeting, the ACS Council proposed that such that claims for new member allotments do not have to be made, but the application form must indicate that the Section distributed it.
      3. At the option of the Section, providing documentary evidence to support applications of prospective members who may qualify under Bylaw I, Sec. 3 (a) (7). Effective Jan. 1, 1982, the evidence can be supplied by the prospective member; the Section may, but need not, support the candidate.
      4. Submitting an activity report in December to the Chair of the Professional Activities Committee.
      5. Providing opportunities to interest new members of the Section into become active participants in the activities of the Section. This is typically done by a written or oral invitation to a Board of Directors Meeting. The Section covers the cost of the new member’s meal. Consideration should also be given each year to holding a New Member Reception for this purpose. The Section Officers, Directors, Councilors, Alternate Councilors, and standing committee Chairs should also be invited to provide information to the new members regarding his/her office or committee activities.
      6. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Women Chemists Committee serves the membership of the American Chemical Society. Our mission is to be leaders in attracting, developing and promoting women in the chemical sciences. There are three goals designed to fulfill the mission statement:

      • To attract women to a profession in the chemical sciences.
      • To provide leadership for career development opportunities for women chemists.
      • To promote and recognize the professional accomplishments of women chemists.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Keeping informed of WCC business at the regional and national levels.
      2. Holding an annual WCC luncheon.
      3. Updating this section of the job manual when requested.

      In January 1997, a Minority Affairs and Mentorship Subcommittee of the Professional Activities Committee were instituted. The primary functions of this subcommittee is to conceive, develop, coordinate and implement programs designed to recruit individuals identified by the Society as minorities to become members of the Section and to increase the role and involvement of minorities in the sciences.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Preparing the budget request for the subcommittee and submitting it to the Treasurer.
      2. Requesting information and suggestions from the Society to ensure a successful implementation of the goals and objectives of the subcommittee.
      3. Coordinating a mentee/mentoring program.
      4. Organizing and guiding activities of the subcommittee.
      5. Informing area high schools about the annual Minority Scholars Program.
      6. Submitting an annual report based on the activities of the year to the Professional Activities Committee Chair.
      7. Keeping the Section informed of the activities through the Chemical Bond and web page.
      8. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Younger Chemists Committee of the American Chemical Society was established in 1974 to focus on the specific issues facing younger chemists within the ACS. A younger chemist is a chemist under 35 who is starting out in his or her career. The YCC has three objectives: to provide a mechanism to integrate younger chemists into the profession, to make the ACS relevant for younger chemists, and to dramatically increase the involvement of younger chemists in ACS at all levels. More information about the YCC can be found at the YCC web site: http://membership.acs.org/y/ycc/.

      The Saint Louis Local Section YCC (LSYCC) was established to bring together younger chemists at the local level. Working with both the Saint Louis Section of the ACS and the Society, YCC provides a variety of programs and events that are meant to interest younger chemists. YCC is setting up its own LSYCC website at www.stlacs.org/ycc/

      The subcommittee Chair is selected from active members of the local organization.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Arranging meeting location, date and program
      2. Announcing YCC activities on the Section web site
      3. Keeping an accurate list of expenditures
      4. Taking pictures of activities for publication in the Chemical Bond and inclusion in the Section Annual Report
      5. Preparing an annual report of the activities including photographs and a budget request for the coming year; submitting copies to the Professional Activities Committee Chair.
      6. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Career Resources Subcommittee of the Professional Activities Committee provides local section members with access to the national Society’s career services, provides St Louis area employment resources to all ACS members, and aids members in the management of their own careers.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Recruiting members to carry out career development programs, and overseeing their execution
      2. Coordinating activities between the Section and the Society Department of Career Management and Development
      3. Promoting career training opportunities from the Society
      4. Maintaining relationships with local recruiters and employers, and managing electronic communication through the LinkedIn Group "Chemistry Careers in St Louis"
      5. Providing for continuity through and beyond the year so that members will find the resources to be dependable
      6. Preparing a budget request for the following year and submitting it to the Treasurer each December
      7. Submitting an annual report to the Professional Activities Committee Chair detailing the activities during the past year
      8. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested

      Possible activities include creating an Employer Directory (list of St Louis area employers of chemists), promoting available career resources in the Chemical Bond and on the section web site, bringing national ACS Workshops to St Louis, organizing workshops on career-related topics using local resources, and so on.


      Duties and responsibilities of the Historian include:

      1. Collecting material and putting it in the Archives at the Western Historical Manuscript Collection at the University of Missouri–St Louis. This includes typically, Annual Reports, copies of the Chemical Bond, and anything else that anyone deems appropriate for preserving for posterity.
      2. Writing occasional articles for the Chemical Bond and serving as a resource to members on matters of past Section activities.
      3. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.
  14. Education Committee

    1. CHAIR

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Carry out all the general responsibilities specified in the section “Standing Committees of the Section”
      2. In preparing a budget, make sure to include funding for sending teachers to the TIE Workshops. Administration of this funding is overseen by the Chair of the Section.
      3. Identifying a contact person for coordinating the participation of the Saint Louis Section in the ACS booth at the Illinois State Fair which takes place annually over a ten day period in August in Springfield, Illinois. The Saint Louis Section typically sends two volunteers for a part of this event and, if asked, a check for $100. The booth and its activities are organized by the Chicago Section and other sections in Illinois and the contact person will be added to their mailing list for the event. Volunteers who attend the Fair are strongly encouraged to bring back photos documenting our participation for the Annual Report.
      4. Working with the Subcommittee Chairs, essentially sharing their workload and trying to ensure the success of the various projects.
      5. Maintaining contact and communication with the high school teachers through the Education Topics Group is an important function of the Chair.

      The contest is held annually in the spring for the purposes of recognizing outstanding chemistry students in the Greater St Louis Area and selecting students who will compete as representatives of the Section for membership on the United States team to the International Chemistry Olympiad.

      The contest consists of a three-hour examination in two parts as discussed below. Students compete in two divisions: the Regular Division for students currently enrolled in a first-year course, and the Advanced Division for students enrolled in courses beyond the first year. Fifteen winners are determined for each division, first through fifth place and ten honorable mentions. First through fifth place winners receive a cash prize and a certificate of participation. All honorable mentions receive a certificate of participation. The top three winners in each division also receive a plaque. Furthermore, eleven winners in the Advanced Division will qualify for the Olympiad competition. Prizes are presented at the Awards Night ceremony during Chemical Progress Week.

      The coordinator for the contest has the following responsibilities:

      1. Selects dates for the examination. Dates should be established early in the year. The exam should be scheduled for a Saturday as late in the school year as possible, but no later than two weeks before Chemical Progress Week. A make-up date should also be scheduled for students unable to participate on Saturday. In recent years, this has been on the preceding Friday afternoon. Though scheduling conflicts cannot be completely avoided, a date when the SAT or College Board tests are scheduled, or when a substantial number of students will be on vacation, should be avoided. These dates may be determined by calling several of the larger high schools in the area.
      2. Secures sites for the contest. In recent years, UM-St Louis, St Louis Community College at Meramec or Florrisant Valley, and McKendree College (Illinois) have been the sites for the Saturday session. Site selection should be completed as early in the year as possible and with consideration given to proximity for students in both Missouri and Illinois.
      3. Recruits and instructs proctors for the examination. This may be done concurrently with the choice of sites. Proctors might be recruited with the help of the chairperson of the chemistry department at each contest site. The role of the proctors is of obvious importance, and each should be given instructive guidelines for proctoring.
      4. Serves as the Section’s coordinator for the Chemistry Olympiad competition. This involves the following:
        a. Notifying the High School Office of the Society of the Section’s intention to participate in the competition for selecting the US team. (This is accomplished by completing and returning a form which is mailed to the local section coordinator in October.
        b. Making arrangements for the examination site and a proctor. In recent years, the site has been UM–St Louis on a Saturday in late April with proctoring by a chemistry faculty member.
        c. Ensuring that the completed exams are returned by the due date for grading to the site specified by ACS. This involves preparing a postage-paid mailer addressed to the appropriate grading site which the proctor of the exam may use to mail the exams immediately after completion.
        d. Fulfilling other duties as specified by ACS in the event a local section student qualifies for later stages of the competition.
      5. Prepares the examinations for the contest. Two examinations must be prepared, one for students in the Regular Division and one for those in the Advanced. The schedule followed in preparing the exam is dictated by the need to allow ample time for printing and distribution to the contest sites. The number to be printed is decided by the number of registrations received, which has always been greater than the number of students who actually participate. Each examination should be in two parts. Part I should be multiple choice and consist of 60-70 items for the Regular Division and of 20 additional items of the Advanced Division, for a total of 80-90 items with the first 60-70 items the same as those for the Regular Division. The current examination may be modeled on the previous year’s exam using a substantial number of new items so that previous participants do not have an advantage. The format for Part II of the examination is at the discretion of the person preparing the exam. In recent years, a varied format has been used, consisting of fill-in, short essay, and more involved problem solving. Part II is graded only for the purpose of breaking ties on Part I.
      6. Publicizes the contest. The contest should be publicized in the February issue of the Chemical Bond. A mailing at the end of February should follow this to all high school teachers in the Greater St Louis Area. An updated list of addresses may be obtained from the previous year’s coordinator. The mailing should consist of a letter announcing the contest and presenting essential details such as dates, locations, times, prizes, etc. , and a registration form. A deadline should be established for return of the registration forms. It should be stressed that registrations will not be accepted by telephone. A registration form must be received by the coordinator by FAX or mail.
      7. Makes arrangements for grading the examination. Grading in recent years has been done at UM-St Louis with the aid of Dr. Val D’Souza. Answer sheets of exams taken at sites other than UM–St Louis must be mailed immediately after the exam to Dr. Val D’Souza. This will allow grading of Part I of all of the exams at the same time and to ensure that Part II of exams from all sites is available for grading in the event of ties in Part I. The grading of Part II has been done by the coordinator. Before the list of winners is made official, a check should be made to ensure that all winners were properly registered.
      8. Sends the official list of winners to the Section Chair and Treasurer so that checks for cash prizes may be written and returned in time for the Awards Night Program.
      9. Notifies the engraving company making plaques for the winners. Engravings Unlimited in Brentwood has prepared plaques for many years. A minimum of two weeks notice is required.
      10. Arranges for preparation of certificates of participation.
      11. Notifies the teachers of all participants of the winners and of the performance of each of their students and invites them to attend the Awards Night activities. Students receiving first through fifth place awards and a guest of each are invited to the Banquet compliments of the Section. Reservations must be made in advance to the Banquets Chair, recently Samir El-Antably.
      12. A second mailing should be prepared to inform each teacher of contest winners, of the scores on Part I for each of that teacher’s students, and of those students who qualify for the Olympiad competition. Exam statistics such as high scores, average scores, and minimum-winning scores for each division should be provided. Teachers should also be notified of the date, time, and place of the Awards Night Banquet and Program. They should also be informed of how to make reservations for the Banquet should they wish to attend. (Attendance at the banquet is not mandatory for participation in the awards ceremony itself.)
      13. Notifies the ACS High School Office of the students who have qualified for the Olympiad competition. This is accomplished by completing forms supplied by ACS several weeks prior to the competition dates. The competition itself consists of a four-hour examination supplied by the Society which is mailed to the local section coordinator approximately two weeks prior to the competition dates, which are also selected by ACS.
      14. Presents the awards at the Awards Night ceremony. Awards of winners who do not attend the ceremony may be mailed to the appropriate teacher or delivered by a colleague who attends the ceremony. In 2001 the chair solicited donations from ACS members to send subscriptions to ChemMatters to the winners.
      15. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Chair-elect of the Section is responsible for the Awards Night Banquet. The date usually is the Monday or Tuesday of Chemical Progress Week. The Section Chair, who has overall responsibility for Awards Night Activities, usually selects the location.

      About 80 to 100 people will attend: The Outstanding College Student Awardees, the Marcus Awardees, the High School Teaching Awardee, the Chemistry Contest winners, and occasionally, Science Fair Section Award winners.

      The Chair-elect invites a speaker to address the audience during the Program. The meals for the speaker and a guest and the High School Teaching Awardee and a guest are compliments of the Section.

      The Banquet Chair will select the menu after conferring with the Restaurant management and sets the individual price to cover all costs and tips for the meal. It is customary to arrange for a cash bar before the meal. Try to make these arrangements six weeks to two months in advance if possible.

      Coordinate publicity about this Banquet along with other Chemical Progress Week publicity through the Chemical Bond, the Publicity Chair of ADACIOM, and the High School Chemistry Contest Chair. The Banquet Chair receives reservations and payment (preferably in advance), and notifies the restaurant of the number expected, and pay the bill after the meal.

      The Chair-elect submits a report to the Coordinator of Chemical Progress Week


      The Chair of the Education Topics Group, usually holds this position. Other responsibilities as liaison between the Program Committee and the Education Committee include:

      1. Bringing communications from the Education Topics Group, such as issues that the Section should address, suggestions of topics for general meetings, request for assistance on a project, etc.
      2. Arranging loans of ACS educational materials.
      3. Updating the mailing list of science educators each fall, encouraging the inclusion of middle school and elementary science teachers. (Presently, Hal Harris does this).
      4. Encouraging interaction between local teachers of all levels, industrial education programs, private groups that support education, etc.
      5. Working with the Editor of the Chemical Bond and the Editor of the OCTET GAZETTE to improve communication with educators.

      The position of Education Newsletter Editor has the following responsibilities:

      1. Communicating to educators at high school level primarily, but also those who teach chemistry at higher or lower levels, by means of the newsletter published twice a year.
        1. Events of interest, both local and national
        2. Available materials - free publications, etc.
        3. Information about educational opportunities (workshop, etc.)
        4. Demonstration and laboratory ideas which pertain to improving classroom teaching.
      2. Preparation of the newsletter, which involves:
        1. Encouraging readership to submit material for inclusion in the newsletter.
        2. Networking with other editors for wider meeting coverage, content improvement, etc.
        3. Editing (or writing) the two issues and arranging for mailing labels.
        4. Managing the production and mailing processes: print, fold, staple, attach mailing labels, sort and pack for bulk mailing, drop off at a branch Post Office, and notify the assistant Treasurer (business manager of the Chemical Bond) of the mailing date and cost. MUST give name to Post Office for its form.

      This Fair is an annual program of the St Louis Public Schools, usually held in March. The Section has provided a booth for several years.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Managing all aspects of the Section’s participation in the Career Awareness Fair.
      2. Prepare a budget request in December before assuming office.
      3. Enlisting members who will serve as role models and help students with interviews at the booth.
      4. Obtaining materials to hand out to students.
      5. Planning hands-on activities for students as appropriate.
      6. Storing and passing on to future chairs the table covers which were purchased by the Section in 1992.
      7. Submitting a report to the Chair of the Education Committee early in December.
      8. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Preparing a budget request in December before assuming office.
      2. Establishing contacts with other Local Sections, the Society, local universities and industry, and local scientific societies to exchange information and ideas about continuing education.
      3. Surveying the Section members to determine their educational needs and, specifically, what short courses are desired.
      4. Maintaining a list of ACS audio courses and other material available for loan to the Section from local university and industrial libraries.
      5. Organizing short courses and professional programs for Section members, keeping registration fees as low as possible. This activity may include: locating qualified instructors, obtaining meeting space, ordering workbooks or other materials, arranging for satellite telecommunications programs, obtaining cost underwrites to help pay for the course/program, helping to publicize the course/program, and preparing appropriate materials.
      6. Assisting with the publicizing of college courses, short courses, and lectures which might be of interest to Section members.
      7. Submitting a report to the Chair of the Education Committee in early December.
      8. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Chair of this subcommittee acts as liaison between the local student affiliate chapters and the Section. Duties and responsibilities include:

      1. Preparing a budget request in December before assuming office.
      2. Maintaining a mailing, phone number, and e-mail list of student affiliate group sponsors in the area.
      3. Organizing cooperative activities among the chapters.
      4. Submitting a report to the Chair of the Education Committee in early December.
      5. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      Organize the Undergraduate Research Symposium held each year at a local college or university.


      Kids are naturally inquisitive - show them the excitement of actually doing chemistry and you’ll have a rapt audience enthusiastic to learn more. That’s the simple concept behind Kids & Chemistry. Coupled with the fact that chemists love to show off their science, you have a formula that guarantees success. Since its launch in 1995, Kids & Chemistry has compiled an impressive record nationally. More than 60,000 children have been reached with the program’s positive messages about chemistry. The program provides specialized training for volunteers who then go out and do actual hands-on activities with groups of youngsters. Activity packages are available for volunteers to share with children when doing chemistry experiments.

      1. The Subcommittee chair is responsible for organizing Kids & Chemistry events throughout the year especially during National Chemistry Week. Most of the events are held at the St Louis Science Center, or at local schools upon request of a teacher.
      2. The Subcommittee Chair must submit a report to the Chair of the Education Committee by December 15th.
      3. The Subcommittee chair should update this section of the manual when requested.

      See section XVII under Chemical Progress Week.

    12. Project SEED

      Project SEED is designed to encourage economically disadvantaged high school students to pursue career opportunities in the chemical sciences. During the summer, students work in the laboratory doing hands-on research guided by a scientist-mentor. Students who have not graduated from high school are eligible for the Summer I program, and those returning for a second summer of research may participate in the Summer II program.

      Project SEED is for students with an annual family income below $27,000 or that does not exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for family size. Exceptions can be made for incomes of up to $34,000, depending on family size and circumstances. College scholarships are available for SEED students who have graduated from high school and plan to attend college

      The chair of this sub-committee seeks mentors and matching funds from local industry, coordinates student applications, and sends a report of all such activities to the chair of the section by December 15th.

  15. Awards Committee

    1. CHAIR

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Carry out all the general responsibilities specified in the section “Standing Committees of the Section”
      2. The Chair is responsible for organizing solicitations of corporate donations for the Awards program if this should become necessary.
      3. The Chair should attend all functions where the Section awards are given, including the Marcus Award competition, the Recognition Night banquet, the Awards Night Banquet and Program, the St Louis Section ACS Award Banquet and Symposium, and, if possible, the Midwest Award Banquet at the Midwest Regional Meeting.
      4. Contact the Chair of the Midwest Regional Meeting, forwarding the name of the Midwest Award Chair and describing the duties and responsibilities of the Section regarding the Midwest Award presentation at the Midwest Regional Meeting. Assure that the Midwest Award Chair is in contact with the Chair of the Midwest Regional Meeting and that the Midwest Award Banquet is on the Midwest Meeting program.
      5. If any donated funds are used for an award, send thank-you letters to the donors. In addition, the names of donors should be sent to the Section Chair so that the Chair might send thanks also.

      The Midwest Award is described in Bylaws Article XI.

      1. Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:
        1. Prepares a budget, early in the year, for review and approval by the Trustees and the Board of Directors. Additional financing may be obtained by solicitation of the local chemical industries, if necessary and if the Board approves.
        2. Solicits nominations for the Midwest Award by means of (1) a letter to (a) living former recipients of the Award, (b) heads of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering departments at prominent American colleges and universities, (c) the Secretary of each local section and division of the ACS, and (d) appropriate individuals of prominence in American chemistry, chemical engineering, and chemical education; and (2) published notices in appropriate chemical publications, including at least the Chemical Bond and Chemical & Engineering News. These solicitations should be made by February 1.
        3. Closes nominations no later than March 31. The nominating files, at least four per nominee, will be assembled in appropriate order and within thirty days of the close of nominations, forwarded to the Section Chair, who will dispatch them to the jury. It is preferable that the Midwest Award Chair not know the identity of the members of the jury.
        4. Assists the Publicity Chair in securing publicity for the Medalist and the Midwest Award. (Announcements in Chemical Bond, Chemical & Engineering News, Regional Meeting Announcements, and host section’s newsletter).
        5. Plans the ceremonies that include the presentation of the Award and the Midwest Award Lecture by the Medallist. These ceremonies will be feature events of the Midwest Regional Meeting, held in October or November. The planning for them will be made in conjunction with the General Chair of the Midwest Regional Meeting and with a member of the Regional Meeting Planning Committee who is designated specifically to work with the Midwest Award and who is a resident of the community where the meeting is to be held. The latter individual will assist with the local arrangements, thus saving trips to the meeting site. An important arrangement is the Banquet honoring the Medallist, at which the award is presented. (The Midwest Region Teaching Award is also presented at this Banquet. ) The Midwest Award Chair must make sure that the Banquet is arranged.
        6. Has the Medal inscribed, stamped and framed, and obtains from the Treasurer a check for $3000 for the honorarium.
        7. Issues invitations to the Award ceremonies and dinner. These invitations are sent to (1) living former recipients of the Midwest Award, (2) Chair of the Local Section serving as host for the Midwest Regional Meeting, (3) appropriate officials of the Midwest Regional Meeting and the institution hosting the meeting, (4) a list of close friends and colleagues provided by the Medalist, (5) highest ranking National ACS person who will be present at the Midwest Regional Meeting, and (6) other prominent persons in chemistry, as deemed appropriate.
        8. Sees that the program for the Banquet is printed and is distributed at the banquet. The program must include the citation that will be read at the award presentation.
        9. Assists the Medalist and all honored guests in their attendance at the Midwest Regional Meeting.
        10. Submits a report, early in December, to the Chair of the Awards Committee.
        11. Updates this section of the Job Manual when requested.
        1. Members of the Midwest Award Jury should receive the nominating packets from the Jury Chair (the Section Chair) about the first week of May and should return their ballots to the Chair by June 15.
        2. There are eight voting jurors. The following method of voting was approved by the Steering Committee in 1994: The eight voting jurors shall rank all of the nominees with sequential values with 1 as the highest. In the case that a juror wishes to rank two or several nominees equally, each of these m nominees would receive the same numerical rank, n. Then, any succeeding nominees would be ranked from n + m + 1. In the event that any juror chooses to rank only the first n nominees, then all succeeding nominees shall be considered as equally ranked at n + 1. The nominee chosen as the winner would have the lowest composite score determined by adding the numerical rankings of all the jurors. The Chair of the Jury will do this calculation.
        3. In the event that the voting of the eight jurors produces a tie, the Bylaws provide that the Section Chair, Chair-Elect, and Secretary shall vote. They shall choose between those nominees in the tie, the method of voting or choosing to be left to the discretion of these three officers.
        1. Prepare a letter of solicitation (200 copies) in early January. Mail to: 1) previous winners, 2) nominators from previous year, 3) industrial laboratories, 4) local sections by February 1. Address labels for Local Section secretaries may be obtained from the Society office.
        2. Prepare and submit notice for Chemical Bond (Feb issue)
        3. Submit notice to Chemical & Engineering News in mid-January to appear early February.
        4. Contact General Chair for Midwest Regional Meeting to arrange preliminary planning for award ceremonies (January)
        5. Contact local person assigned to assist with the Midwest Award in the city where the Regional Meeting will be held (January)
        6. Close nominations on March 31.
        7. Forward nominations to Chair by April 30.
        8. Select Awardee by June 15. (Responsibility of Jury)
        9. Write citation. (Responsibility of Jury Chair)
        10. Inform winner of presentation details and assist in making travel arrangements if necessary (early August)
        11. Order medal (mid-August)
        12. Notify all nominators of winner (mid-August)
        13. Set a news release date and send information to the Publicity Chair and the Midwest Regional Meeting Chair for announcement in the Chemical Bond, Chemical & Engineering News, and Regional Meeting Announcements and programs (mid-August). Citation and picture probably required here.
        14. Finalize presentation plans (select menu; estimate attendance; write up presentation schedule; have dinner program, which includes the citation, printed; etc. (early September)
        15. Invite guests (early September).
        16. Complete all arrangements. Attend presentation ceremonies at the Regional Meeting.

      The St Louis Section ACS Award is described in Bylaws Article XII.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair of the St Louis Section ACS Award subcommittee include:

        1. Remind Section Chair to have Board set the date for receipt of nominations (April or May)
        2. Start the solicitation of nominations for the award with an announcement in the October Chemical Bond; call the Chemical Bond editor before September 5th. Other means for soliciting nominations should include the following:
          • Additional notices in Chemical Bond in the months leading up to close of nominations.
          • Letters to appropriate companies, universities, and other institutions in the area, sent at least two months prior to deadline.
          • Calls to individuals who might be able to nominate a person.
          • Requests to nominators of unsuccessful candidates from preceding years to consider renomination. The folders are kept, so an update will usually be sufficient. Additional seconding letters are not required, but the nominator may supply these or other new material to strengthen the nomination.
        3. Arrange for the call for nominations to be posted on the Section’s web page.
        4. Be prompt in handling correspondence with nominators. Clear up any problem with nominations. Make sure seconding letters arrive. Prod anyone who has not completed a nomination.
        5. When the nominations close, send a summary of nominees, nominators, and seconders to the Section Chair so that changes in the jury may be made if necessary.
        6. Within one week after close of nominations, send all nomination materials to the Section Chair. Ballots are due to the Section Chair by 6 weeks after close of nominations.
        1. The Section Chair will notify the winner and the St Louis Section Award Chair. Then the St Louis Award Chair should start correspondence with him/her.
        2. Ask the awardee to choose a colleague to introduce him/her at the banquet. This should be done about two months after close of nominations. Invite the awardee and colleague (and their spouses) as guests of the Section. (Children of the awardee should be invited but are not guests of the Section. )
        3. Give the awardee a deadline for informing you of the title of the address. Allow enough time for maximum publicity, at least two months prior to the banquet.
        4. See that a biography of the Awardee is written. Usually, someone is selected who knows the awardee well enough to add a personal touch to the biography; possible choices are the nominator and the colleague who will introduce. The biography should be completed at least 6 weeks prior to the St Louis Award Banquet. The biography with photo of the Awardee should be published in the Chemical Bond before the St Louis Award Banquet. The biography with photo of the Awardee is also included in the banquet program.
        5. Write to nominators of unsuccessful candidates. If their nomination is a strong one, you should encourage them to submit it again next year.
        1. Order an 8 × 11 inch major award plaque from Local Section Activities Office. This can be done by phone: 1-800-227-5558 then 9, 3, 4. Do this in November, as it is best to have it in hand at least two months prior to presentation.
        2. Send plaque to engraver as soon as the winner is known. It will take only about two weeks, but it is helpful to have it completed.
        3. The Banquet is traditionally the Saturday of CPW. The date is established by vote of the Board.
        4. The Banquets Chair, presently Samir El-Antably, will determine the menu in time for it to be included in the publicity.
        5. Invite those who will be guests of the Section. These are the awardee, the introducer, a Monsanto representative, the most recent St Louis Section ACS Award recipient, and their respective spouses. These invitations should be issued two months prior to the banquet date.
        6. Invite the Officers of the Section, who generally sit at the head table. These are the Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and their respective spouses. Invite all previous award winners with their respective spouses. These invitations could be made 4-5 weeks prior to the banquet date.
        7. Ask awardee for names of relatives, friends, and colleagues whom he/she would like to have invited, and send invitations to them.
        8. Order a floral arrangement for the head table.
        9. Prepare a program for the evening.
        10. Make sure the $1,500.00 check is available for presentation by the Section Chair at the banquet. Allow at least two weeks to get the check from the Treasurer.
        11. Arrange for podium, projector, screen, and sound system, if requested by awardee.
        12. Place copies of the program at each place at the banquet.
      4. PUBLICITY
        1. Obtain a photo of the awardee for publication as part of a full spread which should appear in the Chemical Bond. (The editors may do this. ) Notice should appear the month before the dinner.
        2. Arrange for posting of awardee’s bio and photo.
        3. Urge the nominator to publicize the award at the Awardee’s institution.
        4. Contact publicity office at awardee’s institution for help in publicizing the award.
        5. Contact the News Media person about notifying the local media and the Society for appropriate recognition in Chemical & Engineering News, allowing at least 6 weeks so that the notice will appear prior to the St Louis Section Award Banquet.
        6. Arrange for the name and a brief description of the Awardee to be posted on the Section’s web page after the Awardee and the other nominees have been informed of the outcome.
        1. 1. Prepare a report within two months after the presentation covering all phases of the Award, including a financial statement and a proposed budget for the next year. This will be reported in the annual report but will be immediately helpful to the new chair. A copy should go to the Awards Committee Chair and the Section Chair.
        2. Bring files up-to-date for new Award Chair if necessary.
        3. Prepare a final report for the Awards Committee Chair, including suggestions for improvements.
        1. Get nomination deadline data from Chair of the Section --May.
        2. Contact Chemical Bond editor regarding call for nominations notice -- August.
        3. Ask Section Chair in August about Banquet date.
        4. Send letters to companies and universities -- At least two months prior to deadline for receipt of nominations.
        5. Order plaque from the Society -- Should be done as soon as possible.
        6. Compile nomination packets. Contact the Section Chair who will appoint the Award Jury. The Chair must know who the nominees, nominators, and seconders are (they cannot be on the jury) -- Do this a week after nominations close.
        7. Set deadline for jury to select awardee -- about 6 weeks after close of nominations.
        8. Send plaque to engraver when winner is announced.
        9. Send invitations to guests of the Section . -- Two months prior to banquet.
        10. Contact Chemical Bond editor for full spread in the Chemical Bond, including photograph -- Do this in time for it to appear the month before the banquet.
        11. Send invitations to previous award winners and Section officers 4-5 weeks prior to the banquet.
        12. Deadline for awardee to choose introducer and title of address -- one month after notification of selection.
        13. Prepare report covering all phases of the Award. Make sure the new Award Chair gets a copy.
        14. Update this section of the Job Manual when requested.
      1. The award jury consists of the Directors and the Immediate Past Chair, who serves as Chair of the jury. Provision for replacing an ineligible Director is prescribed in the Bylaws.
      2. The following method of voting was approved by the Steering Committee in 1994: the voting jurors (the Chair votes only to break a tie) shall rank all of the nominees with sequential values with 1 as the highest. In the case that a juror wishes to rank two or several nominees equally, each of these m nominees would receive the same numerical rank, n. Then, any succeeding nominees would be ranked from n + m + 1. In the event that any juror chooses to rank only the first n nominees, then all succeeding nominees shall be considered as equally ranked at n + 1. The nominee chosen as the winner would have the lowest composite score determined by adding the numerical rankings of all the jurors. The Chair of the Jury will do this calculation.
      3. In the event that the voting of the jurors produces a tie, the Bylaw provides that the Chair of the jury shall vote to break the tie.

      The Chair for this award typically is a professor at St Louis University. The duties and responsibilities include:

      1. Prepare and submit a budget to the Awards Committee Chair in December. This budget usually includes only the $750 total prize money.
      2. Contact the Chair of the St Louis University Chemistry Department concerning the selections of contestants and the date for the presentations. The selected date should be at least one week before the Awards Night Banquet. This should be done early in January.
      3. As soon as the date of the presentations has been approved, contact Pius XII Library to reserve the Knights Room or the equivalent for the date. Be sure to arrange the necessary room setup (e.g., podium, blackboard, screen, chairs, etc. ) Contact the Chair of the Chemistry Department concerning the cocktail party, as the Chemistry Department will handle arrangements for this.
      4. Send letter to the contestants congratulating them on their selection, informing them of presentation date, manner of presentation, and date of the presentation dinner. Send them biographical forms to be filled out and returned to you by a specified date.
      5. Contact the Chair of the Chemistry Department concerning updated lists for invitations. Send invitations to those on the updated lists.
      6. Prepare information on competition for the February or March issue of Chemical Bond, and send copies to the Awards Chair, Publicity Chair, and webmaster. Meet the appropriate deadline for the Chemical Bond. Also publicize the event on the Section’s web page.
      7. Send invitations about two weeks before competition.
      8. Arrange for a photographer to be present at the presentations.
      9. Give welcome, describe the Award, introduce appropriate people, including Department Chair (who handles balloting) at the presentations. Also introduce speakers.
      10. Send congratulations to winner and other contestants and invite them to the Awards Night Banquet.
      11. Send information for Awards Night printed program to Chair and to Chair-elect.
      12. Contact Treasurer to prepare check for winner. Purchase frames for citations.
      13. Send news release to the University News (Busch Center, St Louis University), Frost Campus News Bureau (DuBourg Hall), and contact Publicity Chair for other publicity. Also include the announcement on the Section’s web page.
      14. Prepare citation forms. Make sure there is time to get all signatures.
      15. Submit a report to the Chair of the Awards Committee in early December.
      16. Update this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The Outstanding College Student Awards recognize college juniors who have shown outstanding achievement in their chemistry curricula. These awards, beginning in 1985, have been administered and sponsored by the Section. Prior to 1985, the awards were administered by the Section and sponsored by the Chemical Council of Missouri. The awards are made to an outstanding student at St Louis Community College–Florissant Valley (Outstanding Chemical Technology Student Award), and to juniors at St Louis University, Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville, University of Missouri–St Louis, and Washington University, i. e., at all greater St Louis area institutions with ACS-certified programs. Non-ACS certified schools are now part of this program. These schools are Lindenwood University, Maryville University, McKendree College, Principia College, and Greenville College.

      Each award consists of a $100 cash award, a certificate, and an engraved brass plate, which is placed on a perpetual plaque held at each institution. Presentation of the awards is usually a part of the Awards Night ceremony during Chemical Progress Week.


      1. January 15: Send letter to Chairs of respective departments of the colleges or universities asking for selection of awardees. Ask Chairs to send names of winners by Feb 15 and to include home addresses and phone numbers of the student and of the faculty member who will attend the ceremony.
      2. March 1:
        • Invite awardees to the Awards Night Banquet as guests of the Section. Invite faculty representatives to the Banquet also as guests of the Section. Ask for RSVPs to reach you about two weeks before the Banquet, then inform the Banquet Coordinator of the number attending.
        • Prepare and distribute a list of awardees’ names and institutions to pertinent Section members, e. g., Section Chair, Awards Committee Chair, and the Awards Banquet Coordinator.
        • As of 2006, engraving of the brass plates is done by All-Star Distributing, Inc at 15472 Manchester Road, Ellisville, MO 63011, phone is 636-227-4100. In order to provide uniformity of appearance, it is recommended that this firm be used for engraving. The plates may be taken or mailed there, being sure to specify the American Chemical Society, as the company keeps records of past jobs and can refer to their old data for the correct format. It may be useful to supply them with a list of last year’s awardees.
        • Obtain blank certificates from the ACS Store (online). Arrange to have the certificates printed with the student’s name, institution, award title, and year. Commercial printing or calligraphy may be used. Have the Section Chair sign each certificate. Obtain frames for the certificates.
        • Contact the Chair of the Awards Committee and the Treasurer and request that checks in the amount of $100 be issued for each of the awardees.
      3. April 1: Insure that all brass plates, certificates, and checks are in order and on hand.
      4. May 1: Update this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The purpose of the award is to acknowledge excellence in the teaching of high school chemistry. The award consists of a $500 honorarium, a plaque, and the Section’s nomination for the ACS Midwest Regional Award in high school teaching. The award is usually presented at the Awards Night Banquet held during Chemical Progress Month.

      Because the nomination, selection, and presentation overlap two calendar years, the term of the Chair of this Subcommittee runs from September 1st to August 31st.


      1. July–September (Incoming Chair): Receive from the outgoing chair the subcommittee’s files, especially all information related to the award winner selected in December of the previous year. The subcommittee chair will need this information if this person is selected the winner of the Midwest Regional Award.
      2. October
        • Send emails, including nomination forms, to high school chemistry teachers soliciting nominations in May and again in early October. Contact Hal Harris, UM-St Louis Chemistry Department, for the mailing list. An announcement should be posted in the Chemical Bond in May and October and included in the web calendar with a header in May and October linked to the nomination forms.
        • If they have not already, ask nominees from the previous year to update their nomination packets.
      3. December
        • Nomination packets are due to the High School Teacher Award Chair by the beginning of December. Review nomination packets and submit to each member of the jury during the third week in December. Include a ballot with each nomination packet.
        • The jury consists of the following five members: Section Chair, Chair of the Education Committee, Chair of the Awards Committee, and two previous award winners. The Chair of the Section appoints the previous award winners. However, the Subcommittee chair may make recommendations.
        • Each jury member ranks the nominees from 1 to 5, with 1 being highest, and returns the ballot to the Section Chair by January 12. (Ask the old section chair to forward the final results to the new section chair and make the new section chair aware of the voting.) The nomination packets should be shredded by the jury members or returned to the High School Teaching Award Chair.
        • Submit a budget to the Awards Committee Chair by December 10. A budget of $675 is suggested: $500 for the Award, about $100 for the walnut plaque which is available from the ACS Awards Division (engraving, done locally), and about $75 for copying and mailing costs.
      4. January
        • The Section Chair counts the votes. Contact the Section Chair for the name of the Awardee.
        • Notify the Awards Committee Chair of thw winner. Notify the nominees and the nominators of the name of the Awardee, thanking them for their participation.
        • Inform the Awardee of the date, time, and location of the Awards Night Banquet during National Chemistry Month. The award is presented at this event.
        • Prepare a citation extolling the Awardee’s accomplishments for use in the presentation of the award. Submit a copy of the citation to the Local Section Chair, who usually reads the citation at the Awards Night Banquet. Submit a copy of the citation along with a picture of the Awardee, to the editor of the Chemical Bond for inclusion in the February issue. Also notify the principal and department chair at the awardee’s school.
      5. January /February
        • Assist the Awardee in preparing the nomination packet for next year’s Midwest Regional Award. Submit packet to the Midwest Regional Award Chair by registered mail. Lately the deadline for receipt is the following September. Verify that this has not changed.
      6. March/April
        • A month or more before the Awards Banquet contact the awardee with all pertinent information about the event (date, time, location).
        • Inform the Awards Committee Chair that the Section Treasurer needs to draw a check in the amount of $500 made payable to the Awardee. Arrange for this check to be given to the Section Chair.
        • Contact the Section Chair to verify that all arrangements for the presentation of the award are in place.
        • Attend the Awards Night Banquet and Program.
      7. May
        • Send emails, including nomination forms, to high school chemistry teachers soliciting nominations in May and again in early October. Contact Hal Harris, UM-St Louis Chemistry Department, for the mailing list. An announcement should be posted in the Chemical Bond in May and October and included in the web calendar with a header in May and October linked to the nomination forms.
        • If they have not already, ask nominees from the previous year to update their nomination packets.
      8. June/July
        • Verify the nomination packet for the Midwest Regional Award is completed and ready to submit. (The submission is usually in September; make sure this date is current.)
      9. August/September
        • Submit the nomination packet for the Midwest Regional Award.
        • Forward files to next year's subcommittee chair.
      10. September/October
        • Verify the winner of the Midwest Regional High School Chemistry Teaching Award if you have not already been notified.
        • If the St Louis Section Awardee is this year's Midwest Regional Award Winner:
          — Notify the St Louis Section Chair and Awards Committee Chair
          — Contact the Midwest Award Chair for details on the awards banquet
          — Notify the Awardee of their selection, and give them information about the Midwest Awards Banquet.
          — Coordinate with the Midwest Regional Award Chair about arrangements for the presentation of the Midwest Regional Award at the banquet during the Midwest Regional Meeting.
      Update this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The St Louis Section of the American Chemical Society annually judges chemistry-related projects at four science fairs in the St Louis area. The section recognizes students in grade schools, middle schools, and high schools who demonstrate excellence in the conception, design, and presentation of a chemistry project at area science fairs. The fairs at which we participate are:

      • St Charles/Lincoln County Science and Engineering Fair at St Charles Community College, usually on a Saturday in late February or early March
      • Illinois Junior Academy of Science Region 12 Science Fair at SIU–Edwardsville usually on a Saturday in mid-March
      • Greater St Louis Elementary Science Fair at Queeny Park usually in late April or early May
      • Greater St Louis Secondary Science Fair at Queeny Park usually in late April or early May

      Award Summary
      At each science fair, three middle school and three high school projects (judged as first, second and third place) as well as an honors category high school project received a letter of congratulations, a science book, and a 8 × 10-inch certificate in a linen certificate holder. The science books include a bookplate with the ACS St Louis Section logo, science fair name, date, place and student’s name. In addition, the first place and honors projects received a 6-month St Louis Science Center membership. If suitable projects are not identified, awards need not be made.

      Elementary students received a congratulatory letter and a blue participation ribbon.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Prepare and submit a budget to the Awards Committee Chair in fall, before assuming office. See the previous year’s annual report for recommendations.
      2. Contact the coordinator of each fair in December or January. Inform them that the Section desires to participate in their fairs by presenting special awards to projects related to Chemistry (these may be in the categories of Chemistry and Biochemistry). Verify the dates and times for judging and locations of the fairs. In addition, determine when the awards ceremonies will be held and who will distribute the awards. There may be a form to fill out and return to the coordinators regarding the Section’s participation. The coordinators and phone numbers can be found in the previous year’s annual report.
        Coordinators may change from year to year; the former coordinator should be able to provide the identity of his/her replacement.
      3. Contact the Chemical Bond in December to place an advertisement in the February issue asking for volunteers to judge the four fairs. Personal recruiting efforts may be required to obtain a sufficient number of judges. Based on 2000 needs, the approximate numbers of judges required are:
        • Missouri Tri-County Regional Science and Engineering Fair: 4
        • Illinois Junior Academy of Science Region 12 Science Fair: 6 to 7
        • Greater St Louis Elementary Science Fair: 1
        • Greater St Louis Secondary Science Fair: 8 to 10
      4. Order/purchase books to use for awards. Lists for past years are included in the respective annual reports. The number of secondary school awards can vary slightly. As it can be difficult to find the appropriate book in the last minute, all books except honors are pre-ordered. Requests for payment/reimbursement are submitted to the Awards Committee Chair.
      5. Purchase certificates and certificate holders, and labels for bookplates. Check that sufficient ribbons are available. ACS section stationary and envelopes (about 750) will be needed for the ribbons and congratulatory letters. Requests for payment/reimbursement are submitted to the Awards Committee Chair. In 2000, approximately 20 certificates/holders/books and 700 ribbons were needed.
      6. Arrange all judging. Send letters to judges reminding them of the date/time/location in advance of the fair. A judging form listing criteria such as hypothesis, experimental design, observations, interpretations of results and general appearance of the project, should be sent with the letter. The form used may be an original design, or one available from the fair. For the large fairs, it may facilitate the process to assign the judges in pairs to a certain group of projects.
      7. Prepare and frame the certificates; they can be hand-lettered on site. They are left with the fair coordinator. Participation ribbons and letters for the elementary students need to be prepared before the event.
      8. On the day of the judging, obtain the name and school or home address of the winners from the fair coordinators, and inform the coordinators which will receive certificates and/or cash awards. A list should be made of the winners, their place/award, project title, and school with grade. A school or home telephone number and address is necessary for those winning science center memberships. This info is forwarded to the section treasurer.
      9. The awards are given to the students at the awards ceremonies or given to the coordinators to give to the students as arranged with the coordinators.
      10. Send letters to the judges thanking them for their participation. It is recommended that one of the judges be selected as the Science Fair Awards Chair for the next year.
      11. Prepare reports for the Board Meetings (submitted to the Awards Committee Chair). An annual report and summary should be submitted before the Continuity Dinner, including budget information, award winners, and judges.
      12. Update this section of the job manual as requested.

      Purpose: To recognize chemists in the St Louis Section who have demonstrated an extremely high degree of professionalism and scientific contribution. The award will consist of a plaque, a check for $500, and dinner for the awardee and a guest at the Recognition Night Banquet, usually held in March. The award will be presented at that time.

      Because the nomination, selection, and presentation of the awards overlap two calendar years, the term of the chair for this subcommittee runs from May to May.

      Chemist: A person whose training includes successful completion of an Associate, Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in a chemistry or chemistry-related curriculum, or the equivalent knowledge gained by experience. The primary work of a chemist is conducting experimentation and/or correlating information to help solve chemical problems and/or discover new chemical knowledge. Nominees need not be ACS members or Local Section Affiliates to be eligible for this award.

      The following criteria should be used to judge the suitability of each candidate:

      • technical proficiency & contribution
      • presentations/publications
      • coaching/teamwork/mentoring
      • additional professional activities


      1. May: The incoming CS & T award chair will prepare call for nominations, which will describe the award, nomination criteria and format, and other pertinent information. Send out via Chemical Bond and posting on the web site. The call for nominations is a standard form letter, with the award chair contact information updated.
      2. September: Repeat the call for nominations in the Chemical Bond and on the web site; post flyers at local chemical companies and universities.
        For future timelines: Make requests to nominators of unsuccessful candidates from preceding year to consider re-nomination. The folders are kept, so an update will usually be sufficient. Additional seconding letters are not required, but the nominator may supply these or other new material to strengthen the nomination.
        The St Louis Section Chair will select a jury panel consisting of scientists and St Louis Section Board members. It should be an odd-numbered panel. Jury members should be briefed on the evaluation process.
      3. December: Nomination close. The nominating files will be assembled in appropriate order and within thirty days of the close of nominations, forwarded to the Section Chair, who will dispatch them to the jury. Notify the jury of deadline requirements and ranking procedure: rank their top 4 choices with #1 being the highest ranking.
      4. December/February: Tally the responses from the panel and assign 3 points for #1 ranking, 2 points for #2, and 1 point for #3. The nominee receiving the most points is the Awardee. In the event of a tie, the jury members will be asked to break the tie. The Awardee is notified by phone and followed up with a letter. The nominators will be informed with a letter as well. A plaque is prepared and arrangements for the Banquet are made. There is a template for the plaque at Rick’s Trophies, phone 314-961-1400. Send letters to the nominees who were not selected.
      5. April: Request a check from the Treasurer for the $500, make sure Awardee and guest are invited to the Recognition Night Banquet, and that the banquet coordinator is advised. The St Louis Section Chair will make the presentation of the plaque and check at the Recognition Night Banquet. Prepare an article for the Chemical Bond, with a photo if it is available.

      Suggested Budget:
      $500 cash award
      $35 printing and postage
      $50 plaque
      $585 total


      This award was established in 1993 by the Board of Directors and is supported by funds of the Section. It is to be announced at the Continuity Dinner and presented at Recognition Night.

        1. This award is intended to recognize distinguished service by a member of the Section through excellent contributions, outstanding leadership, and continuing service to the Section. See Bylaw XIII for specific requirements.
        2. 2. The award will consist of a plaque and normally will be presented at Recognition Night.
        1. A nominee must be a member of the Section.
        2. The Steering Committee annually will consider deserving candidates and may decide to make a recommendation to the Board, which must approve the nominee, in a manner so as to keep it secret from the nominee. The winner is announced at the continuity DInner, and the award is presented at Recognition night.
  16. Publicity and Public Relations Committee

    The Publicity and Public Relations Committee is the organization for communication and news dissemination both within the local section and between the Section and the community. To this end, there are five subcommittees:

    1. The Chemical Bond, which is the local section publication.
    2. The web site at http://www.stlacs.org.
    3. The Speakers Bureau, a clearing house and “booking agency” for providing speakers on technical-related topics to interested civic groups.
    4. The News Media subcommittee, which handles news releases to the various news media and generally fills the out-of-house public relations function for the section.
    5. The Fundraising sub-Committee, which seeks support for Local Section activities and also aids other members in doing so. The sub-Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining fundraising brochures or other materials for use in approaching prospective donors or sponsors for financial or in-kind donations. The sub-Committee Chair is responsible for maintaining a record of contacts made as a part of such efforts and to keep records of their outcome. The sub-Committee Chair is responsible for making sure that donors receive appropriate recognition and that members who are a part of successful fundraising efforts receive appropriate recognition. The sub-Committee shall report to the Board at least once per year with an update on fundraising efforts. The fundraising subcommittee is typically chaired by an experienced member of the Local Section, including but not limited to a Past Chair. The sub-Committee shall consist of at least three members, who are encouraged to serve for at least three years.
    1. CHAIR

      Duties and responsibilities of the Chair include:

      1. Administrative responsibility and budgetary control over the four subcommittees but no operational responsibilities unless s/he chooses to act as News Media Chair.
      2. Coordination of the general mailings of bulletins to all members of the Section, such as notices in addition to the Chemical Bond.
      3. Prepare a member directory, if directed by the Board, taking into account privacy regulations.
      4. Coordination of the work of at least two (and perhaps three) of the subcommittees as they are involved in the following routine Section functions:
          Chemical Bond News Media Web Site
        Recognition Night
        -Retiring Chair
        -Other Retiring Officers and 50 year members
        Notice in Feb-Mar
        Story and picture in Mar
        Story and pictures in Apr
        Publicity Publish
        Chemical Progress Week Notice in Feb-Mar-Apr
        Story in May
        Publicity Publish
        St Louis Section ACS Award* Notice in Mar-Apr
        Story in May
        Call for nominations in Oct-Nov
        Publicity Publish
        Awards Night* Notice in Mar-Apr
        Winners announced in May
        Publicity Publish
        HS Chem Contest     Publish
        College Students     Publish
        HS Teaching If known, announced in Feb-Mar   Publish
        National Chemistry Week Notice in Sep-Oct
        Story in Nov-Dec
        Publicity Publish
        Midwest Award* Notice in Oct-Nov
        Call for nominations in Jan-Feb
        Publicity Publish
        Continuity Dinner* Notice in Nov-Dec
        Story in Jan

        *Small printable reservation forms are included in the Chemical Bond for those attending banquets.

        The Chair must anticipate these and see that the subcommittees are aware of and preparing for them. The schedule above is typical of recent years but may vary and actual dates should be determined early in the year.

      5. Preparation of a budget request in December, before assuming office.
      6. Approval of all disbursements by subcommittees except those for the Chemical Bond. The Chemical Bond account is a separate account.
      7. Liaison with other committees, determining from the other committee chairs the publicity needs as situations arise.
      8. Transmission of copies of all press releases and other important publicity notices to the Local Section Activities Office.
      9. Contact with Public Relations Office.
      10. Coordination of the announcement mailings to the entire Section membership for all committees. Better participation in activities results when two notices of events are sent, with the last one arriving no more than two weeks before the deadline for reservations.
      11. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.
    2. Chemical Bond

      The address of the Chemical Bond is the Section’s post office box:

      St Louis Section–ACS
      PO Box 410192
      Saint Louis, MO 63141-0192


      Messenger Printing
      125 West Argonne Dr
      St Louis, MO 63122
      ATTN: Laura Jones
      phone 314-966-3413 x26
      email mesprint@swbell.net

      Bulk mail handler:

      St Louis Presort, Inc
      5051 Southwest
      St Louis, MO 63110
      ATTN: Mark Schaetzel
      phone 314-771-7678
      fax 314-771-6554
      email shetz@stlouispresort.com

      Mail pieces are addressed by the bulk mail handler from an electronic mailing list updated monthly by the Society. Management of the mailing list is detailed under WEBMASTER.

      1. EDITOR

        Duties and responsibilities of the Editor include:

        1. Publish issues in the months of January, February, March, April, May, September, October, November, and December.
        2. Assure that the following required items of Section business appear in the Chemical Bond at appropriate times:
          • Notice of dates of all meetings of the Section, general meetings (including Board meetings), topical group meetings and special events, Recognition Night (Feb issue; event in Mar), Chemical Progress Week (Mar issue; event in April), Midwest Award Banquet and St Louis Award Symposium and Banquet (Sep issue; events in Oct), National Chemistry Week (event in October) and Continuity Dinner (Nov, Dec issues, event in Dec)
          • Roster of Officers, Directors, Councilors, Committee, and Subcommittee Chairs (from Section Chair; Jan issue)
          • Annual budget (from Jan Board meeting; Feb issue)
          • Reports of Board meetings, including Continuity Dinner. Discussion points are not reported, only the results of votes or resolutions passed. Reports are not expected to be exhaustive (as the Minutes are), but should include items of general interest to the broad membership.
          • Solicitations for award nominations (Jan issue for Midwest Award, Oct issue for St Louis Award) and announcement of award winners (from Awards Committee)
          • Solicitations of volunteers for Section activities, as submitted by activity chairs.
          • Nomination ballots in May issue and election ballots in October issue (with co-operation of the Secretary). Include candidate biographies as specified in bylaws, and pictures of candidates for Chair-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer, if available.
        3. Send any changes of specifications and rates for advertisers to the Webmaster (Jan)
        4. Exercise discretion in accepting ads for placement. Non-profit postal regulations require that all ads be related to the mission of the organization. Assure that all accepted advertisements are properly placed in the promised issue(s) and are graphically sound. For spot advertisements, forward a copy of the placement order and billing information to the Business Manager.
        5. Assure that all text is carefully proofread, preferably by someone other than the editor. Assure that all graphics are of sufficient quality for offset printing.
        6. Assemble a staff of an Assistant Editor, writers, Advertising Manager, and Business Manager by mid-November. New staff should assist outgoing staff in the publication of the December issue in November, in order to learn the job requirements.
        7. Direct the work of the staff. It is helpful to prepare a tentative schedule of events to be covered by the Chemical Bond for the year at the start of the year and provide copies for the staff. They should be reminded of upcoming items requiring attention.
        8. Send enough copies of the Chemical Bond to the Business Manager each month, so that s/he can include a tear sheet when billing each advertiser. Normally, 10 copies are mailed to the Business Manager by the bulk mail handler.
        9. Attend Board meetings (or send a representative).
        10. Prepare an annual report in early December. This report includes a full financial statement (prepared by the Business Manager) and copies of all 9 issues of the Chemical Bond for the year.
        11. Prepare a budget request in December and submitting it to the Publicity and Public Relations Chair.
        12. Update this section of the Job Manual when requested.
        1. Broadcast email reminders at least one week before copy due date to standard list of Bond contributors plus those responsible for any special items due in the upcoming issue.
        2. Normal copy due date is the 15th of the month preceding the issue date, but new or updated content can be accepted throughout the editing and layout process.
        3. Compile all editorial content and illustrations, and assure that all required content is complete. Edit for length and clarity.
        4. Forward editorial content to Webmaster for layout as web page, generally no later than the 20th of the month preceding the issue date. Also forward any spot advertisements with any special placement requirements.
        5. Webmaster publishes on or about the 24th of the month preceding the issue date, initially at a URL that is not linked for public access. Proofread immediately, and notify Webmaster of any necessary corrections. Webmaster links for public access on Editor’s approval, by the 27th.
        6. Inform Business Manager when issue is approved, so copies can be made and mailed to members who have requested hardcopy subscriptions.
        7. For any pieces prepared as postal mailing, check status of postal account with Business Manager to assure adequate funds for postage.

        The Assistant Editor assists the Editor in reporting, assembling copy, layout, proofreading, and any other matters.


        The Advertising Manager maintains contact with current advertising accounts to keep copy up to date and seeks new advertisers. When new advertisers are obtained, the Ad Manager submits copies of insertion orders and billing addresses to the Business Manager. The Ad Manager is responsible for insuring that advertisers’ requirements are met in the ad copy and for the position of the ad in the layout.


        The Business Manager is an Assistant Treasurer of the Section and is required to be bonded, usually at the same time as the Treasurer. The amount of the bond is $50,000. S/he is the authorized signatory for the Chemical Bond checking account.

        Duties and responsibilities include:

        1. Recording all the monetary transactions of the Chemical Bond.
        2. Sending bills to advertisers.
        3. Paying bills incurred by the Chemical Bond.
        4. Maintaining the postal account, Permit No. 850. Anyone in the Section using the postal account is to inform the Business Manager so that adequate funds may be maintained in the account.
          Postal Account Address:

          Supt., Main Office Finance Unit
          Main Post Office
          Window 31
          1720 Market Street
          St Louis, MO 63155

        5. Preparing a year-end financial statement for inclusion in the Editor’s final report in December.

      Duties and responsibilities of the Speakers Bureau Chair include:

      1. Preparing a budget request in December, before assuming office. It costs about $300 to prepare and mail the list; more if all the high schools are solicited. The request is submitted to the Chair of the P&PR Committee.
      2. Identifying prospective speakers. This should be done on a continuing basis so that many topics are offered and new ones are introduced. Once current topics may need to be replaced.
      3. Identifying prospective users and maintaining a mailing list. This should include civic organizations, science supervisors of school systems, high school teachers, etc. (High school teachers now are major participants. ) The mailing list of the Education Topics Group could be used (kept by Dr. H. Harris at UM-St Louis).
      4. Preparing the list of speakers with their affiliations, topics, and brief description of the talk.
      5. Mailing a cover letter and the list of speakers twice a year, after mid-September and after mid-January.
      6. Handling the actual arrangements for scheduling a speaker. Most speakers prefer not to handle the arrangements, but this also allows you to screen out possible problems from either side. For instance, some speakers might not like to talk to certain types of group. You might know that a certain speaker would not be right for the requesting group, and you could suggest an alternative.
      7. Cooperating with other groups who have similar services.
      8. Maintaining a log book of all requests and completed engagements. This will help in analyzing the market and in preparing the annual report.
      9. Preparing an annual report early in December and submitting it to the P&PR Chair.
      10. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      Duties and responsibilities of the News Media Chair include:

      1. Preparing a budget request in December, before assuming office, and submitting it to the P&PR Chair.
      2. Coordinating all out-of-house public relations involving the press, radio, and television.
      3. Distributing announcements and reports of Section functions to C&EN, the local media, and, for some events, to out-of-town papers. Some of these events are:
        • March - Recognition Night (Past Chair’s address to the Section) — C&EN, local
        • April - Awards Night — local press, suburban weeklies, home-town papers of winners
        • October - St Louis Section ACS Award — C&EN, local press, suburban weeklies
        • November - Midwest Award — C&EN, local press, selected out-of-town papers
      4. Preparing and sending press releases. If an award to an individual is involved, an attached photo has been found to be a great aid in getting coverage. A list of commonly used addresses follows this section on this page.
      5. Sending a copy of all news releases to the Local Section Activities Office.
      6. Preparing an annual report early in December, and submitting it to the P&PR Chair.
      7. Updating this section of the Job Manual when requested.

      The website for the St Louis Section–ACS is hosted by datarealm.com at our domain name, www.stlacs.org. The site is maintained by ftp to ftp.datarealm.com with username stlacsweb. The password will be provided to anyone who should have access to the account.

      The Webmaster has the following responsibilities:

      1. Weekly—Remove past events from the calendar and add them to the year-to-date calendar for permanent archiving. Add information as received from topical group organizers, special event organizers, etc. Maintain at least one backup of the web site contents, preferably two.
      2. Monthly—At the beginning of each month, collect prior month access statistics from the control panel at https://admin.datarealm.com/admin/. Add the month’s statistics to the running record, update the summary statistics, and post in the Secure Resources folder.
      3. Jan–May and Sep–Dec, work with the Editor of the Chemical Bond to lay out the following month’s issue. Extract meeting information, award announcements and deadlines, event reports, and any other timely information from the issue, and add to ongoing web pages. When issue is approved and posted, update the feed.xml file for the RSS feed, and send an email blast to the bond.remind mailing list.
      4. Obtain pdf file of previous Board meeting approved minutes from the Secretary, and post in Secure Resources folder.
      5. Maintain one or more electronic mailing lists, as specified by the Board, to support listserv broadcasts, new member communication, and for incidental mailings of the section.
        • On or about the 13th of each month, download the updated section rosters from the national ACS website, using credentials arranged by the Secretary (password and ACS member ID required for login).
        • Maintain and keep up-to-date a record of:
          — affiliate members with their “paid” status (as informed by Treasurer upon receiving affiliate applications and dues payments)
          — members who have opted out of any mailing list, and non-members who have opted in
        • Extract email addresses of members gained and members lost by comparing the current and previous month rosters. Subscribe or unsubscribe, respectively, to the all-members listserv, as well as to other mailing lists based on specified filter conditions.
        • Extract members gained in a mailing address format and a simple list of email addresses, and send both lists to the Membership subcommittee contact for welcome letters.
      6. Annually
        • In June, arrange for payment of web hosting and domain name registration fees for the following one-year renewal period. Website host requires credit card on file. Since the Section does not have a credit card, the Webmaster uses his personal credit card. Send paid invoice to Publicity and Public Relations Chair for approval and immediate reimbursement.
        • In each month with a major event (National Chemistry Week, St Louis Award Symposium/Banquet, Midwest Award Symposium/Banquet, Recognition Night, Awards Night, picnic, Continuity Dinner), work closely with the responsible person to get announcements and schedules on the site beforehand, and event reports with photos as soon as possible afterwards. As new St Louis Award and Midwest Award winner citations are posted, move the citations of the previous winners to the respective archive file.
        • In January (at least, more often if warranted), send a test email to all addresses listed in the people.html file. Contact by phone any that bounce. Post updated contact information.
        • In December, get a list of incoming officers from the Section Chair. Archive a copy of the officers-current.html file, then update the file with new incumbents, and add any new incumbents to the people.html file. The officers-current.html file should be the target of all permanent links to positions, as opposed to individuals. Example:
          Contact the <a href="officers/officers-current.html#chair">chair</a>
          The officers-current.html file, in turn, links to people.html for actual contact information of the incumbent(s) in each position. This reduces the likelihood of outdated links that target specific people directly.
        • In December, prepare a written annual report and budget request for the upcoming year and submit it to the Publicity and Public Relations Chair.
        • When a postal mailing is prepared at the direction of the Board, extract a postal mailing list from the member database: a union of all member mailing addresses from the most recent roster and all affiliates with paid status current as of the date of the mailing. Provide this mailing list in the required format to the bulk mail handler.
      7. Update this section of the job manual when requested.

      The Section maintains a relationship with KWMU Public Radio. The Section participates in at least one fundraiser event per year. A member of the Section speaks about the St Louis Section on the radio while members phone in to make pledges.

  17. Steering Committee

    The Chair-Elect forms the Steering Committee and serves as its Chair. It is composed of the Immediate Past Chair, the Chair, the Chair-Elect, the Secretary, and two other members of the Section. These traditionally have been a Director and a Councilor, but another consideration is to select potential chairs. The Secretary takes minutes.

    Duties and responsibilities of this Committee include:

    1. Reviewing, at its January meeting, the budget proposed by the Treasurer, and preparing a recommendation for the Board meeting in January. The Treasurer is normally invited to this meeting.
    2. Coordinating the activities of the Section.
    3. Providing long-range planning for the Section.
    4. Bringing proposals for actions or new programs to the Board.
    5. Working specifically on tasks or problems assigned to it by the Board.
    6. Reviewing the Section Bylaws regularly.
    7. Selecting, in November, a candidate for the Distinguished Service Award, who must be approved by the Board. The Committee may elect to recommend that an award not be given.
    8. Reviewing and revising the Job Manual, seeking suggestions from all persons holding jobs described therein.
  18. Midwest Regional Committee

    1. Duties and responsibilities of the Midwest Regional Steering Committee Representative include:
      1. Representing the Section at meetings of the Midwest Regional Steering Committee.
      2. Making bids, as approved by the Board of Directors, to host the Midwest Regional Meeting in St Louis. The Meeting should be held in St Louis approximately every seven years.
      3. Attending meetings of the Board of Directors at appropriate intervals to report on matters concerning the Midwest Regional Meetings.
      4. The representative becomes Chair of the Midwest Meeting Committee whenever the Midwest Meeting is held in St Louis.
    2. Some of the responsibilities of the Midwest Meeting Chair are:
      1. Choose a site for the meeting about three years in advance of the meeting date.
      2. Organize a committee which includes a finance chair, an arrangements chair, a program chair, and an exhibition chair.
      3. Establish a calendar for the meeting three years in advance of the meeting date.
      4. Establish a budget well in advance of the meeting.
      5. See that the finance chair solicits donations from the industrial sector.
      6. See that the program chair organizes an appropriate number of symposia and a program that includes contributed papers and posters.
      7. See that the exhibition chair solicits exhibitors for the meeting.
      8. See that the Midwest Award Chair makes the arrangements for the Midwest Award Banquet.
      9. See that the Chair of the WCC organizes the WCC luncheon.
      10. Publicize the meeting using all the resources the Section offers such as the Chemical Bond, and the web page.
      11. Work with the Society Office of Regional Meetings.
  19. Investment Committee

    The Section has special funds for sponsoring and administering specific award programs. In addition, the Section has accumulated capital funds from past savings.

      1. These funds are to be invested to assure that monies will be available to support programs agreed to between the Section and the donors of the special funds.
      2. A conservative investment philosophy is to be followed in order to provide for the necessary income. The safety of principal is to be stressed. However, prudent investment in stocks should be considered in order to provide capital appreciation, where possible.
      3. The portfolio of investment equities will be established so as to require minimal supervision by the Investment Committee.
      1. At least three Investment Trustees are appointed by the Board for three-year terms. They must be members of the Section. At least one of the Trustees shall be a Director of the Section and serve as a liaison to the Board. The Chair of the Investment Trustees shall be appointed by the Chair of the Section. Normally, the Chair will be the trustee who is beginning the second year of the term.
      2. The Trustees have authority to recommend the purchase or sale of securities. The actual transactions will be carried out by the Treasurer. Transactions which total in excess of 25% of the total market value of the portfolio and which take place within a two-month time period must be approved by the Board. Control over the actions of the Trustees is exercised by the Board as provided in the Bylaws. The Trustees shall not purchase securities on margin. They may retain advisors or consultants as they desire.
      1. The Treasurer and the Trustees constitute the Investment Committee, in which the Treasurer can work closely with the Trustees and expedite transactions that are agreed upon. The Chair of the Investment Trustees serves as Chair of this Committee. It is expected that the Investment Committee will meet at least twice a year to review the portfolio.
      2. The Chair of the Investment Committee reports to the Board at least twice a year on the status of the investment portfolio and at the Board meeting immediately following any transaction involving the portfolio.
  20. Chemical Progress Week (CPW)

    The Chair of the Section has overall responsibility for CPW, but it is managed through the Coordinator for CPW. The Coordinator is Chair of the CPW organizing committee which shall consist of chairs of the subcommittees for: Awards Night, H. S. Chemistry Contest, College Awards, Careers Day, Marcus Award, H. S. Teaching Award, St Louis Section ACS Award, and St Louis Section ACS Award Symposium. Many of these subcommittee chairs have a dual responsibility to their parent Standing Committee and to the CPW organizing committee.

    Chemical Progress Week is a major event of the Section, which has been held each Spring since 1976. At one time, it was a joint effort of the Section, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), the Chemical Council of Missouri (CCMO), and the Associated Drug and Chemical Industries of Missouri (ADACIOM). Now, mainly the Section sponsors it. ADACIOM provides some prize money and holds a luncheon. The Section Chair selects the dates of CPW, usually in April.

    The events, which take place during CPW, are as follows. A tentative schedule is indicated along with participating groups and the planning organization:

    Responsibilities of the Section Chair shared jointly with Coordinator for CPW.

    1. Provide the Editor of the Chemical Bond with a detailed schedule of each event, including time, place, contact person’s name and phone, and other information such as names of speakers and their topics, price of meals, etc. Give a copy to the Publicity and Public Relations Chair, and encourage the P&PR Chair to emphasize publicity for all the events. Try to have a photographer at each event. This could be a Section member.
    2. Awards Night
      1. The Awards Night Dinner arrangements are made by the Banquets coordinator, presently Samir El Antably. That person selects the location, plans the menu, sets the price so all costs will be covered, informs the Editor of the Chemical Bond, receives reservations, collects money, informs the restaurant of the number expected, and pays the bill.
      2. The Section Chair is responsible for preparing the order of the program for the evening, serves as Master of Ceremonies, and presents the Outstanding High School Teaching Award.
      3. The Chair-Elect is responsible for seeing that the program is printed based on the script that has been prepared by the Section Chair.
      4. The H. S. Teaching Award Chair invites the winner and one guest to the dinner as guests of the Section. The winner should be given the opportunity to make remarks of acceptance.
      5. The Chair-Elect and/or the CPW coordinator obtains the Guest Speaker for the program and arranges for his/her needs the night of the presentation (projectors, screen, etc). The speaker is a guest of the Section at the dinner.
      6. The High School Chemistry Contest Chair, Marcus Award Chair, and College Awards Chair invite the winners of their respective contests to the program and informs them of the location and the cost of the dinner. The Chairs present the plaques, checks, and/or certificates for their contest to the appropriate winners and their teachers. The Section covers the cost of the dinners for winners of the College Awards and a guest and also covers the cost of the dinners for the 1st through 5th place winners of the H. S. Chemistry Contest and a guest.
    3. ADACIOM Luncheon

      All planning and arrangements are the responsibility of ADACIOM. Section participation includes attendance by the Chair, the CPW coordinator, and perhaps others, and providing a list of all Awards Night winners and the St Louis Section ACS Award winner if requested to do so.

    4. Careers Day
    5. Work with the Careers Day Chair to provide speakers and to invite students from area high schools and colleges to the event. The speakers should represent different educational levels and a variety of types of chemical employment (education, industry, government, etc. ).

      The previous Chair should mail invitations early, even in the fall of the preceding year. If this was not done, get them out in January. A mailing list is maintained by Dr. H. Harris (UM-St Louis).

      This event has been held at UM-St Louis in recent years, so the Chair probably should be someone from UM-St Louis. Be sure to inform attendees where to park.

    6. St Louis Section ACS Award Symposium

      Check that the St Louis Section ACS Award Symposium Chair has made appropriate invitations and that arrangements are complete. Obtain the schedule with place, times, speakers names, titles, etc.

    7. St Louis Section ACS Award Banquet

      Check that the St Louis Section ACS Award Chair is on schedule and that arrangements are complete. Obtain place, time, cost of dinner, etc. The Banquet coordinator makes arrangements for the location, plans the menu, sets the cost of the dinner which is usually subsidized by the Section, informs the Editor of the BOND, receives reservations, collects money, informs the restaurant of the number expected, and pays the bill.

    8. Attend as many events during CPW as possible as a representative of the Section.
    9. Revise this section of the job manual when requested.
  21. National Chemistry Week (NCW)

    National Chemistry Week occurs the first full week of November. The Section’s activities are organized by the Coordinator of NCW. NCW has included the following events: activities at shopping malls, the Missouri Botanical Gardens, the St Louis Zoo, the Art Museum and the Magic House; a laboratory contest for high school students called Battle of the Burets; and TV-satellite programs.

    Examples of events:

    Contact at the Science Center:

    Jeffrey Powell
    St Louis Science Center
    5050 Oakland Ave.
    St Louis, MO 63110
    Phone: 314-533-8515
    Fax: 314-289-4420
    email: jpowell@slsc. org

    Duties of the Coordinator:

    1. Responsible for all aspects of the Section’s participation in NCW. For example, budget, interactions with the Society and coordination of subchairs.
    2. Prepare a budget request in December, before assuming office, and submit to Treasurer.
    3. Brainstorm NCW events by February.
    4. Receive materials from the Society, distribute to appropriate subchairs, and place orders for desired items.
    5. Subchairs should include:
      1. NCW Education Subchair
      2. NCW Chemistry Expo Subchair
      3. NCW Special Event Subchair
      4. NCW Publicity Subchair
    6. The NCW Coordinator should help recruit helpers for the subchairs.
    7. Arrange for publicity. Seek assistance of the Public Relations Committee.
      • Set up the info line by Sept 1 (school start). Message can be changed as necessary.
      • Write 30 second spots for all PSA radio and TV stations.
      • Solicit companies for internal publicity of NCW.
      • Submit Post-Dispatch ads.
      • Follow-up on what was publicized.
    8. Arrange for proclamations from the Governor of Missouri, the Mayor of St Louis, and the St Louis County Executive.


      Patty Shelton
      Director of Constituent Services
      Office of the Governor
      State of Missouri
      Room 216 State Capitol
      Jefferson City, MO 65101
      Phone 573-751-3222
      Office of the Mayor
      City of St Louis
      City Hall Room 200
      1200 Market St
      Room 200, City Hall
      St Louis, MO 63103-2877
      Phone: 314-622-3201
      Office of the County Executive
      St Louis County
      41 S. Central Avenue
      St Louis, MO 63105
      Phone: 314-615-7016
    9. Provide a professional photo to the Society by mid-October for consideration in Chemical & Engineering News.
    10. Prepare a report within 3 days after the event. This report can be e-mailed to the Society. Prepare a final hard copy of the report for the Society to arrive within 5 days after the event. Submit a copy of the final report to the Section Chair.
    11. Coordinator should pass all pertinent information to the new Coordinator including the NCW Handbook from the Society, previous year’s master planning documents, copy of the final report, NCW banner, Phoenix Award Nomination forms and NCW evaluation survey and archival information such as video/audio tapes, pictures and proclamations.
    12. Update this section of the job manual when requested.

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