The American Chemical Society is the world’s largest scientific society, with over 160,000 members. The ACS provides a multitude of information resources; educational, financial, technical and professional opportunities for its members. Eligible persons are encouraged to become members of the Society. You can apply for membership (online and pdf forms available).
There are 188 Local Sections within the American Chemical Society. Local Sections enable members to communicate and interact with other chemists in their area, to participate in programs that will enhance their professional development, and to contribute to the public understanding of chemistry. Society membership automatically confers membership in a Local Section and provides the option to pay (voluntary) local section dues each year. Persons interested in the proceedings of the Saint Louis Section who are not national ACS members may apply to become a Local Section Affiliate. Complete the form below or a fillable pdf and send it to the Section Treasurer.
Name | __________________________________________________________ |
Employer | __________________________________________________________ |
Mailing address | __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ |
Daytime phone | __________________________________________________________ |
Email address | __________________________________________________________ |
circle one | Dues Category |
($10.00) | Regular dues |
($1.00) | I am regularly enrolled at ______________________________________ (name of school) as a student majoring in a chemical science. |
($0.00) | I am a Student Affiliate of the national American Chemical Society. My Student Affiliate number is ______________. Local section affiliate dues are waived. |
Signature ______________________________________
Date _____________________
Send a check made payable to “St. Louis Section, ACS” and a printed copy of this form to the Section Treasurer.