The 19th Annual Midwest Carbohydrate & Glycobiology Symposium (MCGS) is being organized and hosted by Jim Janetka from Washington University School of Medicine and Cristina DeMeo from Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville. The symposium will take place on September 20th and 21st at the Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis. As with past meetings, registration is free. We encourage interested faculty and industry scientists as well as students and postdocs to attend, as well as present their research.
We have put together an exciting line-up of speakers and events. The meeting will begin late afternoon on Friday, September 20th, followed by an amazing dinner banquet and open bar with live band at the Schlafly Brewery. Saturday will begin with an early breakfast followed by a wonderful day of talks and poster presentations; there will be awards for the best posters. Lunch and coffee breaks will also be served at the meeting. A block of rooms at the Doubletree Hotel on the WUSM campus adjacent to the meeting location has been reserved at a discounted rate. The deadline for registration and poster abstract submission has been extended to September 6th. For more information, please visit the meeting website.
The registration deadline is September 6, 2024.